but can she bake a cherry pie?

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another saturday night
Saturday, Nov. 30, 2002

Now Playing - Forensic Files, on CourtTV
Now Eating - none. My back went out on the town without me.
Now Feeling -
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Well, this was a waste of a day. Huz's still sick, and I woke up with my back in spasm. Couldn't even make a nice big breakfast for him like I'd planned to today. There was much lolling and noshing and catalog purging around the Mod Household. But there's always tomorrow. Such is the joy of the long weekend.

I've been getting some pretty odd search engine hits lately.

"Cohen owes me"

"d0minant housewife" - no comments from the Peanut Gallery.

"melanie is a cheewee" - still don't know what a cheewee is.


"mollies HGTV"

"NO JEW" - a little adamant, if you ask me.

"windchimes, where to put them"

"trader joe chicken stock" - a little late for Thanksgiving.

"housewife commercials"

"hello mah"

"drop me just one note my darling" - not even close.

"mild housewife" - mild or d0minant? you be the judge.

So I went out to dinner last night with my family and my brother's in-laws. Food was okay, but the waiter brought me a veal cutlet without red sauce, even though I asked for it 3 times when ordering. My mother even heard me, and her hearing is no great shakes.

But I have to warn my brother, next time he goes out with my family, to watch what my dad leaves as a tip. He's gotten into the habit of drastically undertipping, and considering he's an accountant, there's just no excuse for it. When all was said and done, the amount he figured for each party to put in brought the tip to less than ten percent. Oh, nonononono. When I figured that out, I threw in an extra $25. Which was overly generous, but I saw no need for us to be followed out to the parking lot.

Went back to my parents' house, and got to see their album from Kevin's wedding.

I look damn good! Seriously. And I hate being photographed. I guess going into it with the whole "it's not my wedding...it's not at all about me, thank G-d!" attitude worked!

Hmm...tomorrow? Breakfast, laundry, maybe some Chanukah/Christmas shopping. I've put all my little discount coupons in order. I am ready.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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