but can she bake a cherry pie?

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this entry brought to you by new glasses & fla-vor-ice bars
Saturday, Nov. 09, 2002

Now Playing - "Saturday Night" - Stephen Sondheim
Now Eating -
Now Feeling -
Now Tweeting - Melanie

I got new glasses today.

For the first time in eight years, I have glasses with the correct prescription.

Don't get me wrong; I haven't been wandering around bumping into things for the past eight years. I wear my contacts pretty much every waking moment. I've worn contacts for 22 years. Seeing as I'm Not That Old, you can gather that I started pretty young. The moment they would allow me to get lenses, I did. But eight years ago, while running follow spot for a production of Beehive (on which I almost met my husband), the unthinkable happened. I tore my right contact lens.

My eyes don't work together. I have strabismus (crossed eyes), which was treated with eye surgery when I was four. Of course, the doctor (who even at the tender age of four I remember as being a real asshole...but then again, I was a very difficult patient as a child) came out of the OR and told my parents, "Well, we only did one eye," when he was supposed to do both. My parents, being child-rearing neophytes, said, "Oh, okay," and left it at that. So the right eye was left untouched. Luckily, I am right-eye dominant, so my left eye essentially serves as peripheral vision for that side of my head.

So the right lens biting the dust was not a good thing. I had to drive to the theater and run spot squinting my right eye closed to see out my left. I (stupidly) had no backup lens. This was back in the day when it took a while to get new lenses -- no FedEx-ing them out the next day. I figured, order up the new lens ASAP, and in the meanwhile, get yourself a pair of glasses to wear in just this situation. I went to the local Pearle Vision Centre, had an exam, and ordered new glasses. Somehow someone somewhere screwed up, and the right lens was never even close to where it should have been. I never bothered to go back to get it changed, so until today I�ve had the wrong glasses. It was a pain in the ass because if I wanted to see anything late at night or early in the a.m. I had to have my lenses in. The old glasses caused terrible eyestrain. But sleeping in lenses is even more terrible. It�s a good thing my eyes are healthy enough in that regard that I�ve never had any problems with infection.

Should show you how much of a Maven of Procrastination I am that it took this bloody long to break down and get new specs.

Anyway, I like my glasses. They�re sort of a rounded cat�s-eye shape (interesting choice in light of my last cat's-eye experience) with thin matte black metal frames. I asked for quirky, and I got quirky. What the well-dressed mod housewife will wear!

Last night, I went to see my friend E. in The Rink. She was really very good, considering she�s at least 10 years too young for the role. She played an exceedingly well-preserved late 40�s. And looked like Patti LuPone in her little pixie-like wig! And sounded great. It�s really nice to see your friends do good work.

Ah, well. An evening of HGTV awaits. Maybe I�ll make some seafood bisque for tomorrow�s dinner.


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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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