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reasons to be thankful, part 3
Friday, Nov. 29, 2002

Now Playing - well, the heat's coming up...
Now Eating - umm....
Now Feeling -
Now Tweeting - Melanie

One of my favorite things about holidays is cramming so much into one day that you're completely exhausted the next. I can't tell you how thankful I am to have off today. The Huz, who spent yesterday being a literal "Jungle Jim" to his cousin's children, is now sick. What he hoped was dehydration is now a sore throat, which is exactly how his last illness started. So he'll be home tonight while I have dinner with my parents and my brother and his in-laws.

He needs to get his ass to a doctor. But while his mother still has several doctor's appointments needing to be made, he's put himself on the back burner. Still, I worry.

We got a notice from the property managers stating there'll be a rent increase with next year's lease. Only $25/month, so it could be worse. And the exterminator told Super-man that the roaches we've seen are not from us; they're from the apartment below us. Small comfort. And yet another of the many joys of communal living.

The tone of this letter is very "We're feeling you out about this rent increase, but you know we still hold all the cards." Like I said, $25/month is doable for us. And moving again would be such a pain in the ass. Just looking again would be. I shudder to think. Be that as it may, I still have some questions I'd like to ask Ye Olde Property Management Co. 1)The new windows are lovely, but does anyone ever plan on repairing the damage done to the walls in the kitchen and bath that occured during the installation of said windows? The kitchen part's unsightly, but the bathroom's just cruisin' for water damage. 2)Speaking of water damage, the bathroom vanity is falling apart because of it. Should we get a new one at Home Depot and have a friend install it, or is this something you guys handle? 3)Did you know that the Super-man and his wife have the unfortunate habit of painting over the electrical outlets, thereby rendering most of the conveniently located three-prong outlets (like the one closest to the bedroom air conditioner) totally useless?

File these under "Questions I Would Ask If The Husband Didn't Think My Attitude Problem Would Land Us Out On The Street."

Thanksgiving Dinner at Huz's cousins' was nice as usual. There were less people than in past years, and Huz liked that better. I, on the other hand would have preferred there being more.

We went to Bill & HB's after, and beverages and Trivial Pursuit ensued. The evening ended abruptly when one of the crowd took a drunken spill that left him bruised and bloodied. His fiancee was called to retrieve him, and I drove his car home. With my purse wedged behind my back as a booster, because I could not find the seat adjuster thingy to save my life.

So after all this pissin' and moanin', what am I thankful for?

~That I have a husband I love, and who loves me.

~That I have a home I like, warts and all.

~That I have my family, frustrating though they may sometimes be.

~That I have some very good friends.

~That I have my health.

~That I have my health insurance.

~That I have a job that "isn't brain surgery," as The Partner in Crime said, but that affords me the flexibility to perform in my off-time.

~That I have a talent I get to share with people, and an outlet for my creativity.

~That I'm still here. That I've made it through another year.

Time to hit the showers. And Happy Chanukah, y'all!

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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