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where's the romance?
Thursday, Oct. 10, 2002

Now Playing - that catchy new Art Garfunkel song
Now Eating -
Now Feeling -
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Mitzi is a bookkeeper in our Law Library. She's probably in her 70's, has a unique fashion sense (meant in a good way) and a very nice office space. Big vase of lovely-looking dried hydrangea on her desk, cards from her husband, tasteful pictures of her grandkids, art prints on the walls.

I was up by her earlier this week to get a signature on a withdrawal application. She had a gardenia corsage on her desk, in a small vase.

"I forgot to wear this when we went out for my birthday last week, so I brought it in."

She loves gardenias, so he buys them for her. And this one was sublime. Even seemed to have a hint of chocolate in the fragrance. (That could be the PMS talking.) What followed was a discussion of gardenia fragrance, and how the actual flower smells nothing like the sickly-sweet fragrance found in most perfumes. Guess it just doesn't translate well into synthetic form. But oh, that flower.

So I got home, and Tony brought Carmela flowers and lingerie on The Sopranos. And I said to the huz, "Hmm, y'know, some men buy their wives flowers 'just because'."

"Well, wouldn't that make me too predictable and typical and all?"

I kid, I really do. Sure, he may not be the type to bring me flowers and candy on a semi-regular basis, but he takes out the garbage, and makes sure I have milk for breakfast, and washes the sheets and towels, and will buy my hair dye and birth control pills if I can't get to the store. (We haven't gone so far as feminine hygiene products, and I suppose we never will.) And last Valentine's Day, when we were living apart, he showed up at work with roses and candy and jewelry. And that meant a lot.

But what means more are the thousands of little everyday things. When he dances like a goof. When he talks to the screen during sports games. When he "accidentally" turns on Howard Stern or some cheesy EuroP*rn tv show or a Victoria's Secret commercial because he knows I'll scold him for his "naughtiness." When we laugh at the same thing at the same time in the same way. When he gets pissed off at some perceived injustice directed towards me. When he gets pissed off at injustice in general. When he hugs me extra tight.

So who needs roses? Or gardenias, for that matter.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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