but can she bake a cherry pie?

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what are you doing new year's eve?
Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2002

Now Playing - nothing 'cept the occasional rumbly of my tumbly
Now Eating -
Now Feeling -
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Weird Searches du Jour

~ song mod, in French.
~ take it from behind - surely not what they expected, but hey! you buy your ticket, you take your chances.
~ turning 35
~ chicken mod, AGAIN! Is it a gaming thing?
~ love h0usewife - awww....
~ diary of life is bad - have we hit the Surrealist Generator?
~ carmela sopranos h0usewife
~ kids granny boots
~ pottery barn floor lamp - yes, I have two, but not in that entry....

Stayed home from work today (well, yesterday), as I didn't sleep well at all the night before. My constitution is still a tad on the "delicate" side - one of the things I've found with the food poisoning is you get so hungry from having not eaten that you go overboard when you feel like you finally can. Which can be a bad thing. Plus Aunt Flo's due any second, which makes le constitution plus delicate. Ah, oui.

At least we have a short day tomorrow, so I can spend the rest of the day deciding on my New Year's Eve plans. The Huz is working, as musicians are wont to do, so my decision comes down to 1) stay home and semi-mope (*sigh* "Here I am, all alone on New Year's Eve....") or 2) actually get off the ever-expanding arse, dig up something to wear, maybe throw a little color in my hair and high-tail it out east to ring in the year in a lovely house on a bluff overlooking Long Island Sound. With quite a few very good, old theatre friends. And champagne and fireworks (yes, I said fireworks) at midnight. Tough choice, eh?

I'll see if my energy holds.

And since everybody's doing it (okay, so far just Stef, but she's certainly a some-body) (and yes, Dad, I guess I would jump off the Brooklyn Bridge if everybody else did too), here is a short list of Some Things Resolved...

~ As I said here, "to be grateful to the people who have provided me with all the wonderful working and performing opportunities I have had this past year." And to not disappoint them in their faith in me. I am lucky that I get to do what I love on a semi-regular basis. And it's something I should never take for granted.

~ And as I said way back here, maybe this will be the year I finally contact my birth mother. To let her know I turned out all right. As I said to my friend and fellow adoptee R., knowing "where you're from" is an important thing. It's about finding your missing piece. And maybe seeing for the first time the someone who looks like you.

~ I shall get off the aforementioned ever-expanding arse and use that gym membership for which I doled out the big bucks. If une femme canadienne d'une certaine age can do it, so can I. I'll feel better, I'll have more energy, and I'll be able to wear jeans on a regular basis.

~ There's more stuff, like cooking & cleaning & not neglecting friends & simplifying my life, but that can wait until I'm not quite so stupid tired.

Think I'll bask in the glow of our tree for a bit, then hit the hay.

Night y'all. If I don't see you, Happy New Year.

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0 of you lovely people have left word so far

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~^ randomize me! ^~

a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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