but can she bake a cherry pie?

the here and now ~ too cool to be forgotten ~ if i wrote you ~ send me a postcard, drop me a line ~ where i'm from ~ variations on a design theme by... ~ i wish... ~ shameless self-promotion ~ host

monday money-day (da-daah-da-da-dah-da)
Monday, Dec. 16, 2002

Now Playing - hum of computer, whirr of air purifier, clank of radiator. Par for the course.
Now Eating - yeah, talk to me once you've caroled a mile in my granny boots.
Now Feeling -
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Weird Searches du the Last Couple of Jours:

(and yes, I know it's Bad French.)

does it taste like chicken? - I wonder what "it" is. ~^


h0usewife head - via yahoo u.k.

norweigan christmas spruce

bedside caddy

Dr. Scholl's yoga shoes - is there any such animal?

*sigh* They all must be so disappointed...those europ*rn/h0usewife/jew/tasters. What can I say? Things are not always as they appear. Especially in the results listing of your friendly search engine.

It's now just barely Monday. Paycheck's less than twelve hours away, and with it come the inevitable questions. Does the raise kick in with this one? How much of a raise will it be? I took a slight pay cut with this job. The Boss had made mention when I was hired about possibly upping my pay (which would have brought it above and slightly beyond my last job's) after the first of the year. The first of this year. That didn't materialize. I didn't bug him about it because...well, I just didn't. The pros were good enough for me not to grumble -- much less phone work, health insurance for my huz the starving musician, not having to deal with the Jewveau Riche of Roslyn, NY.... But after 3 months on the health plan, rates went up. Not to anywhere near what I was paying for myself alone at the old job, but a healthy increase nonetheless. (Editor's note: I swear that pun was unintentional. And I mean it, R.) And this prescription plan doesn't cover my birth control pills.

The rumor is that we'll only get the standard 3% cost of living increase. Which puts me in the same boat I was in at the JCC. And means seventeen months without a raise. I've been in this boat before, and it's a bitch to row. Boss #1 at the old job didn't raise my salary when he put me on "permanent part-time" because he was trying to save money. Boss #2 put me on full-time, and promised me a raise after several months, then reneged and told me it was declined because I "didn't smile at the Executive Director when she walked by." Boss #2 was a pathological liar who we suspect engineered several locker room credit card thefts most likely to pay off some pretty heavy gambling debts. And told Boss #3 (a fabulous manager and a close friend), who had been brought in as a consultant to shape up the place and plan our multi-million dollar facility expansion, to "watch her back" around me. Because I am such the backstabber. Funny, the only other person (to my knowledge) who has ever told folks to watch their backs around me was the Psycho Ex. We do not put much stock in anything said by those who refuse to "take the blue pill." Which is a theatre inside joke centering on a techie who was a bit unstable. You could always tell when Roger had not taken his meds, hence, "Take the blue pill!"

But I digress. I do that. Suffice to say, the standard 3% would be...dinky. Yes, I make so little that 3% of "so little" qualifies as "dinky." It's sad, but it's true. As The Partner in Crime said, what we do is not brain surgery. And in this economy, I know I am lucky to be working. But I get my work done (with the occasional minor derailment along the way), they seem grateful to have me, and I make them laugh. I get along with the other people there, and they all seem to like me well enough too. To get a raise that would bring me back to just where I was a year ago would be demoralizing and depressing. Especially since at some point we'll have to factor in a health insurance increase, and retirement plan deductions (which are matched by the company, and which I'd be a fool not to take advantage of.) I want to come out ahead of the game. That is important to me. As a worker, and as a wife. And as the woman who manages the finances.

I've been thinking a lot about my attitude toward money lately. I'm trying to be respectful (in my best Suze 0rman fashion) toward it, and not clutch it too tightly so it runs out of my hands like sand, and to be grateful to the people who have provided me with all the wonderful working and performing opportunities I have had this past year. The Huz has made some donations to charity this holiday season, so I believe he's unconsciously working on his money karma as well. I do not want to be greedy, and I do not want to be miserly, and I do not want to think of the creative things I am doing in terms of "how green the money is."

I think I've made my first New Year's Resolution right there. Be respectful of my money, but be respectful of my art, as well. Because that is really what it's about.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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