but can she bake a cherry pie?

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i survived the first day of finals
Monday, Dec. 10, 2002

Now Playing - Craig Kilborn. Can you say, "Too lazy to turn off the tv?"
Now Eating - I ran all over the building today...does that count?
Now Feeling -
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Weird Searches du Jour:

~ olu dara lyrics "your lips"
~ h0usewife grit
~ What does lobster taste like? Why, it tastes like chicken, of course.
~ $uze 0rman jew
~ transformed into a girl
~ And a search on my real name, this time in German.

Well, we made it through the first day of final exams. Nobody died, I was able to be all things to all people, and even clocked in a couple of extra hours.

I am a competent person. There, I said it, it's out. Sometimes I just need to remind myself of that. I can get things done, and the more I do them, the easier it becomes. I think back to a year ago, and how un-fun my first couple of months at this job was, because I was thrown smack-dab into the busiest time of the year. But it gets easier each time. It took me until a few years into my last job before I finally reached a comfort level. I think that had to do with the level of trust that Leslie and I built up, her giving me more responsibilities, and me maturing and growing more comfortable in my own skin. I'm glad I can realize these things about myself.

So tired I came home and crashed from 8 to midnight. Huz crawled off to bed and left me on the couch.

A few months ago, I made a donation to the Fund for Animals in honor of my friend's dead mother. I am not linking to them - you'll have to find them yourselves. Because, as a result of said gift, they managed to really piss me off and sell my name to any other environmental/animal rights charity that they could. I'm getting mail from WWF, Oceana, The Nature Conservancy...you name it. I have more address labels with pictures of baby seals on them than you could shake a stick at. So on behalf of my friend's dead mother, thank you, Fund for Animals, a/k/a ANIMAL RIGHTS PIMPS!*

On my way home tonight, I saw a new Volkswagen Beetle with a spoiler. Tell me why, Judy, why?

Only three of us caroled at the steakhouse Saturday night, without a pitchpipe. Pick a key, any key! Nah, it was fine. And they paid us a tad extra for being only three, which was decent of them. I practically got catcalls from two young guys dining alone. We're talking kissy-face hoochie-mama noises, here. Very mature. Which makes any girl in her right mind say, "Ohhh yeah, I wanna fuck you!" Much like the guys with the souped-up cars and noisy engines. And how big is your penis? Thought so. I almost wanted to say to them, totally innocently, "How come you're here alone together, and the guy at the table next to you has two women there?" But I refrained.

And Brent's party was great; the pesto lasagne was exemplary this year. I saw pictures from the Island of Fire, and it's a testimony to how relaxed I was and how much fun I was having that I actually like myself in them. There's one nice shot of me and Jim Colavecchio on a chaise lounge that I'd like a copy of. And one shot of me flashing my breasts. Thus ends the "obligatory nudity" portion of this entry. Move along.

I left at 4 a.m.

And caroled for three hours on Sunday. It's tough, man. I tend to get very "folky-sounding" while caroling. Maybe it's a "close-harmony-Peter-Paul-and-Mary" thing. But it wears a body out.

To bed with me. Good night.

*I am not anti-animal rights, I am just anti-the selling of my personal information without my knowledge/consent. I'd expect that from a Target or an Amazon. But a charity?

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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