but can she bake a cherry pie?

the here and now ~ too cool to be forgotten ~ if i wrote you ~ send me a postcard, drop me a line ~ where i'm from ~ variations on a design theme by... ~ i wish... ~ shameless self-promotion ~ host

if i knew you were comin' i'd have baked a cake
Saturday, Dec. 07, 2002

Now Playing - "Nobody's Crying" - Patty Griffin
Now Eating - guess it's time to change this to "Now Eating:"
Now Feeling -
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Crap. I lost Version One of this.

More Weird Search Hits

~ nastyass, in Arabic, no less.

~ jew life, to which R. responded, "They're being thorough, dear."

~ life diary, which brought up the Trading Card page, of all things.

~ heavenly days vernon Another 50's dinnerware lover!

~ how garcia girls lost accent long island reads Now, if you're surfing for that, and you got lil' ol' me, go here instead. That's David's page, and it's far more informative than mine.

~ housewife jeans Wha?

The audition went well yesterday. The director had me read the copy three ways: straight, "wise-cracking know-it-all" (I guess to get a more Lawn Guyland-y feel) and in a "hushed whisper." It's hard to sound sexy when you're talking about mortgage financing. By the third try, I had pretty much memorized the copy, and he commented on my quick study skills. And noticed that I was a singer from reading my resume. Two points for me. And my friend Phyllis, who works for Cablevision and is the one who arranged the whole thing, chimed in with, "Yeah, we really need to do more musical spots!" Bless her heart!

Anyway, even if it doesn't work out, they have me on file and that's good.

I was done by 4 p.m., so I zipped right off to Mom's to retrieve my caroling dress so I could beat the rush home. On the way, I stopped off at Kitchen Kabaret and picked up two jars of my absolute favorite salsa. Oh, joy. Ah, bliss. Threw a jar in the freezer when I got home (it's great chilled) and made a meal of it. Salsa, it's what's for dinner.

I was home by 5:20, and didn't have to carol until 9:30. It's tough to get worked up to work that late. And tougher to have to watch all that delicious food go by while you're singing the umpteenth song about the baby Jesus. But I had my salsa to keep me warm.

It went well, as it usually does. It's tough to screw things up when you're the soprano. But I did realize that there are a few carols I haven't sung in about twenty years, all of which happen to sound very similar to each other. Wonder if anyone would notice if I interspersed the bridges to some within others. Other than the alto, tenor and bass. On second thought....

We sing tonight from 10 to midnight. Which means I won't get to Brent's Annual Christmas Extravaganza until 12:30 at least. There'll still be plenty of people.

Salsa for dinner, cake for breakfast. Yes, I baked a cake. Not from scratch, natch, since baking's not my strong suit. But it was a red velvet cake. That was our wedding cake. I'm hoping to surprise Huz with it. Because he's still sick, and miserable at having to do "Annie" for the fourth time, this time with a far less accomplished musical director than our friend Bill. He hates hates hates it. I think this may be the breaking point for him. He is so tired of playing classic musical scores with inadequate pits because The Organization is too cheap to hire more, and more appropriate, players. The synthesizer is not G-d's gift to music, people. A lot of times it sounds like pure shit. And audiences notice the difference.

He's at the end of his rope. And I don't know what to tell him. I can't make the decision for him, because it's not my place, and it's not my job, in more meanings than one, and because you hear enough stories about one partner resenting the other for "making" them do something. Of course, if you ask some people (cough *parents* cough), they would suggest I tell him to straighten up, fly right and get a "real" job. Those words will never come out of my mouth. It's his choice to make, and all I can do is stand by him, and listen while he sorts things through.

I wish I could make it easier.

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0 of you lovely people have left word so far

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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