but can she bake a cherry pie?

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eBaise the lawd
Sunday, Oct. 13, 2002

Now Playing - Twilight Zone
Now Eating -
Now Feeling -
Now Tweeting - Melanie

So I buy stuff on eBay on a semi-regular basis (regardless of the fact that I am running out of places to put said "stuff.") My "fine china" is Fiesta Ware (courtesy of too many evenings in Bennigan's), so I've started a mini-collection of vintage Fiesta pieces. That expanded into other mini-collections of Vernon Kilns Tickled Pink and Heavenly Days patterns, and Franciscan Starburst china. The Franciscan is actually my mother-in-law's china pattern. Looks like this:

Pretty damn spiffy, huh? I can't believe my now-75-year-old mother-in-law picked out this incredibly mod pattern in 1957, instead of some "normal" china. She's told me I can have her service, but those space constraints make that impossible at the moment.

I like eBay for two reasons:

1) The whole competition thing I have. Nothing like beating someone else out to win a particular piece. Gotta watch the addictive Pisces personality in that regard.

2) You win something, you pay for it and in a couple of weeks a lovely package shows up on your doorstep! Presents!

I haven't had any really bad experiences - some misrepresented items, some people who were not forthcoming about insurance info leaving me in the lurch when something broke - but you buy your ticket, you take your chances.

But the other day I got something a bit unexpected nestled in amongst the styrofoam peanuts.

A religious tract.

I had thought something like this might happen. They quote a bible passage about being "born again" at the end of their listing. But really now. Speaking as one who does not expound upon her religious or political beliefs to the stupefaction of others, was that really necessary? My cursory understanding of fundamentalists leads me to believe that "witnessing" is a big part of their whole gestalt, but really now. In a business transaction that involves styrofoam and bubble wrap? Ya think you're gonna win me over to your side that way? Like the guys who hold up those "John 3:16" signs behind home plate? Oh yeah. That works for me.

Huz has some born again relatives. Their witnessing has caused quite a bit of consternation in the family. Luckily they live in the Midwest, so we don�t see them that often, and their activities seem to have abated somewhat since I�ve been in the family. Not through any action on my part, or on my behalf, I just think enough people have told them to give it a rest. The only way it manifests itself is in the annual Christmas family photo, which usually reads something along the lines of "Merry Christmas . . . May G-d bless you! Happy Hanukkah, Melanie!" Which I usually read as {sarcasm}�Merry Christmas Huz . . . May G-d bless you Huz! Oh yeah, Happy Hanukkah Melanie yougodlessheathensuchapitywewon�tseeyouinHeaven! {/sarcasm} My mother-in-law is a staunch Catholic. But she firmly believes that when she gets to Heaven, she will see all the people she loves there. And that, to me, is pretty damn cool. It�s all one G-d, folks. Just variations on a theme. And there�s just no bloody way to prove the "My G-d is better than your G-d" argument, so why do we have to even try? I feel equally at home in a church or temple. There is a sense of G-d wherever you go, and I can appreciate however you choose to worship him, as long as you don�t force it down my throat because you believe yours is The Only One True Way. There�s room at the inn for us all.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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