but can she bake a cherry pie?

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shopping from a to z
Thursday, Dec. 12, 2002

Now Playing - The Odd Clanking Radiator's Greatest Hits
Now Eating - hah.
Now Feeling -
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Yes, it's time for another installment of...

Weird Searches du Jour!

~ what does frog legs taste like? Courtesy of Google UK...the international contingent grows!

~ Starburst Franciscan buy

~ characters; How the Garcia girls lost their accent

~ magically transformed into a girl Yes, folks, I'm all about Doug Henning's "world of magic and illusion." How else is a girl to keep some mystery about her, eh?

Same old, same old.

In the craziness that was today (this was the busiest day so far, finals-wise), I actually managed a bit o' holiday shopping. The Partner in Crime and I were discussing what to get The Boss, when she mentioned a holder for his Palm Pilot. Because, being a guy, he has the thing floating around in his briefcase where it will eventually get smashed. He'd just thrown a Coach catalog my way, she and I put two and two together, and got six! So once the afternoon exams were up and running, I was off to the Maul. And soon enough, he will be the proud recipient of a Coach PDA case. If all I have to do is the legwork, I'm a happy woman. She's known the man 10 years, let her pick the gift!

I also scored myself some facial products (running low, ya know, and the Mod Housewife has an image to maintain...or at least a facade), and the nice Clinique girl threw in a lipstick and some "Anti-Gravity Firming Lift Cream." Preach it, sistah, we can all use a little of that now and again!

After work, I Mauled again, running on fumes but determined not to squander precious shopping time. First stop Tower Records, where I picked up a copy of George Harrison's final album, Brainwashed, for the Partner in Crime to give to her son (legwork, again) and a deluxe edition to give to The Huz. Who looks more than a little like the late Mr. Harrison, incidentally. Then to (superhero voice)Bed, Bath and Beyond!(/superhero voice) to get Huz a bedside remote caddy thingey that tucks between the matress and boxspring. To go along with the "over the arm of the couch remote caddy thingey" I'd previously gifted him with. Ya gotta go practical sometimes, folks. Throw in the "Still Plays With Drums" t-shirt, and those be the presents thus far. With plenty more to come.

When I got home, I realized I'd forgotten to stop by David's and pick up some stuff. Zipped over and got my care package consisting of the script for Belle of Amherst, a Spanish dialect tape and handout and a copy of Garcia Girls, and some Garcia flyers he'd made. He's addicted to Taken, so I watched a bit of it, and saw Heather Donohue for the first time since Blair Witch. A couple of friends used to compare me to her, which I thought a bit odd since I'm usually not seen in public with snot running all over my face.

The heat is raging in our apartment (what can I say? the thermostat is located in a really awkward spot behind our entertainment center), and making very odd noises to boot. We really need to get our humidifier going...I am just flaking away. That, combined with the cucarachas that persist even after the exterminator's visit, makes Mel one itchy, freaked-out girl. I don't invade the bugs' homes, they should stay the hell outta mine. Gah, the joys of communal living.

Don't let the bedbugs bite-cha. 'Night.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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