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she bangs
Monday, Apr. 19, 2004

Now Playing - HGTV.
Now Eating - drinking, white cranberry juice.
Now Feeling - sleepy
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Feast or famine with me, eh?

We spent the Passover/Easter days off in a flurry of activity, desperately seeking storage space. Hit about six different places in one day, and settled on Westy. We looked there first, and they basically told us we�d be back. They were right. Between the proximity, cost, convenience and cleanliness aspects of the deal, we were sold. That night, we purged the coat closet of unneeded �stuff� (glassware, boxes of miscellaneous tchotchkes, serving pieces) and shlepped it over the next day. Two Saturdays ago, after the Best Man and Wife�s twins� birthday party, we went back to MIL�s house and purged/shlepped some more. At least I know where all the Christmas decorations are now. And how convenient it was to find that green Rubbermaid container in which to store them! All things considered, the bulk of what remains to be moved from MIL�s house is percussion equipment. Lots of it. We�ll have to be a bit creative, using the bells as a table to pile stuff on, using the gong stand as a clothes rack�. You make do. Then I have to shlep stuff from my parents� house. They�ve been champing at the proverbial bit for years.

Scott & Zelda went quite well. Relearning the lines after two years wasn�t as traumatic as I thought it would be. ::spits between her fingers � pu-pu-pu:: Our esteemed director looked at the video taken at the end of the last �run� and said we really rushed through the show, and I have to say I agree. I really tried to listen more this time around. And enjoy the new things we discovered. It�s really a sweet little show, and I so enjoy doing it. And we may have a gig at a nearby high school, where a friend of mine (who hasn�t seen me perform since we were both in high school) now teaches.

Now I just have to put those lines out of my head for the moment, and put Belle back in there for next Sunday.

I got my hair cut last Friday. A $15 Supercuts special. This was my second cut after the fabulous one in November. The one in the interim? Not so hot. I couldn�t get the girl who did it the first time, after three attempts. She only works two days a week, and is also involved in some sort of �competitions,� and from what I could tell, these were probably more along the lines of cheerleading competitions than, say, forensics. Which is not to say that she didn�t do a bang-up job on my hair. As I mentioned here, I trim my bangs myself. Only have myself to blame if I screw �em up. So I go to the chi-chi salon, and am directed to a girl named Ave. As in, �Ahhhhhh-veyyyy Mah-reeeee-eeeee-ahhh. . . .� And believe me, I shoulda said a couple of Hail Marys before sitting down in the chair. The cut was okay. She put gunky �product� in my hair. She fried it by putting the blowdryer in almost direct contact with my poor cuticles. Didn�t use the fun thinning shears. But the final coup (puns fully intended) was. . . the bang thing. I told her I do my own bangs, after being asked the perennial question. She concurred, saying she only mentioned it because my bangs looked like they�d been recently cut. But then, as she was blowing out my hair, she said offhandedly, �Oh, they�re a little uneven here.� Whipped out the scissors, and *snip*. A few minutes later, same thing.

That night, I�m washing my face, with my hair held back with a headband. I splash, and look in the mirror. I have �sideburns� at my temples. Ave cut into the hair at the sides of my face, so that I now have a section 1�� long by �� wide on my left temple, and 1�� long by �� wide on my right temple. After trying to grow out those damn misbegotten pieces for ages.


I wrote a letter to the manager/owner and posted it the next day. And heard. . . nothing. I even said in the letter that I was planning on still going there, based on the terrific cut Kim had given me. But after a month-and-a-half of nothing, it was back to Supercuts I went. Where I met the lovely Jill, who was planning on keeping the salon open even though she was the only one working that night, so that no hair be left untrimmed. And who told me what she does if a customer is unsatisfied (which involved personally delivering a goody bag to a client�s home). And who gave me a perfectly lovely cut, that didn�t cost me $42 dollars plus a $10 tip. And who will be getting my business in the future.

Because she understands what customer service is about.

And the Cactus Salon & Day Spa? Can kiss my lily-white arse.

So there.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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