but can she bake a cherry pie?

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running in place
Saturday, Apr. 03, 2004

Now Playing - "The Handmaid's Tale." I never noticed Natasha Richardson's lack of upper lip.
Now Eating - a Hostess cupcake, because my husband loves me and knows I'm easily plied with junk food.
Now Feeling - headachy.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

In honor of their trip to the Big Dance, I have a confession to make.

It was not until a couple of weeks ago that I realized that the name of the team was a play on "Yukon" Huskies. As in, those big snowdogs that are typically found pulling sleds in places like ...the Yukon.

Now I attended a Big East school. I've worked at UConn.

I am clearly an idiot, and it's a wonder I'm able to feed and dress myself.

Something I'm sure my parents have wondered for quite some time.

Cooked dinner for the first time in ages. Made my old standby, Tuscan London Broil. Why does the stopper on the sink work just fine when I don't want it to (like while I'm rinsing dishes) but refuses to "stop" when I need it to (like while soaking the broiler pan)? Ah, those sweet mysteries of life. Or at least housecleaning.

It'd be nice, now that the weather will (theoretically) be warmer, to cook a little more, do a little entertaining to pay back all the friends who've had us over lately. But that all hinges on the closing on my MIL's house, because right now we have odd piles of Things from The Huz's Childhood scattered everywhere. Books, boxes of pictures, record albums, movie and slide projectors, cameras, coin collections...all this stuff that needs to be gone through, organized and possibly purged before we rent out and move it all into a storage facility. I know Huz hates it; disarray makes him all itchy. I can tolerate it 1) because for once, all the crap lying around here isn't mine, and 2) because I know that eventually it'll be gone. Makes walking around the apartment in the dark a bit hazardous, but I can deal for the time being.

I've been trying to average three visits a week to the gym. I can now run a mile, and sometimes a little bit more if I feel like it. A small miracle for someone who never liked to run anywhere in her life. My dad will be thrilled - he always thought I was meant to be a runner. The fact that this assumption was based on me winning one fifty yard dash in first grade, a feat which I never duplicated, was lost on him. I guess he figured that as skinny and lanky as I was, I should run. And here I am, thirty-odd years later, running. Running in place, but at least I don't have to turn around and run back home!

So my Belle of Amherst went well this week, idiot library lady notwithstanding. The woman didn't have the presence of mind to call a custodian to help us load our set into the room that had no convenient access door, couldn't drag herself away from chit-chatting to get a battery for the microphone I was told I had to wear, when I couldn't finish putting on my costume without it, and left on the microphone she used to make her pre-show announcement, resulting in my standing there with egg-on-face enduring two minutes of feedback until it occurred to her to turn it off. And I won't even get into the condescending way she spoke to some of the patrons. But the performance felt good, and the audience was very appreciative. Now to put Great Scott, and Zelda back on its feet after two years. Oh, brother. It'll be tough, but it's such a fun show to do, and some friends who didn't get to see it the first time may this time around, so that'll be good.

Off to study lines, and turn the clock ahead.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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