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what does she want of me?
Wednesday, May. 12, 2004

Now Playing - HGTV.
Now Eating - drinking: raspberry seltzer.
Now Feeling - tired.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Gave blood Saturday. Now the bloodhounds will be off my trail until July 3rd, on which date I�ll probably donate because it�s a holiday weekend. There were three high school students donating as part of their community service requirement. The choice was five hours of community service, or a pint of blood. Shylock�s pound of flesh, high school style. One girl probably fudged a few pounds in order to �make weight,� and as a result, didn�t do so well. She was about to faint towards the end, and threw up right after they took the needle out. And there I was, joking with the nurses, making out my �to do� list for the day, and just having a grand time of it. Really, it was the easiest donation yet, and this was after working out and not eating nearly a big enough meal. Poor kid. I just hope it doesn�t turn her off donating.

We went out for seafood with my folks for Mother�s Day. I broke a nail on a two-pound lobster. After, we went back to their house, and Mom and I had a nice long talk about cleaning out the house, and getting their affairs in some semblance of order. You would think that after seeing what Huz has been through with his parents, my folks would want to organize things, to eliminate our having to scramble around after they�re gone. But no. My father is a carbon copy of his mother, in that he�s neurotically superstitious about anything that might provoke the wrath of the gods.

My grandparents were married 51 years. For their 50th, my grandmother nixed any attempt at a celebration. Kinehora, pu-pu-pu. Don�t wanna tempt the Evil Eye. So what happened? She went into the hospital for cataract surgery, and collapsed and died in my aunt�s arms in the hospital room, before she�d even gone under the knife. Pu-pu-pu. That worked out really well. Instead of a party, we had a funeral.

It may sound callous when I put it that way, but she was my favorite grandmother, and I miss her to this day.

My father�s cut from the same cloth. Make a will, so that we�ll know how to divide your assets and not �fight over things� (which he says is his biggest fear)? Nope, because the second he signs it, lightning will strike him dead. I said to him,

�I don�t even know where you should be buried!�
�We have a plot in New Montefiore. Okay?�
�I don�t know where the key is for the safe deposit box.�
�Sandy, show her the key.�
�I don�t know anything about your accounts, where your assets are, insurance policies....�
The man actually said to me, �Well, if you look in any of those piles, you can find the paperwork....�


The point is, to have all this stuff at hand, in one convenient place, so no-one has to tear out their hair searching, at a time when we�re likely to be stressed to the breaking point already. Death�s funny that way.

He�s had 71 years to get set in his ways; at this point nothing short of dynamite will change him. Considering it may take dynamite to clear all the crap out of the house, maybe that�ll be a handy side effect.

I�ll be sending them this shortly. Mom�s promised to try to get Dad to use it.

So my friend did it again. E-mailed me to ask me to �put in a good word� for her with a certain director regarding a certain female leading role in an upcoming musical. And I should do this why, exactly? Because she�s interceded on my behalf so many times? Uhh, no. Because there are a veritable plethora of good female roles in musicals on Lawn Guyland, and a paucity of actresses to fill them? Not on your life. Oh, thaaaaaat�s right, because I enjoy hopping around with a hole in my foot.

I could handle this several different ways, I suppose. If she mentions it again, I could react with incredulity, saying I figured she was joking because I�d never ask something like that of her.

I could encourage her to audition, since I�ve already told her that there are many people interested in the show. I know she�d be welcome, but competition would be such that the only way she�d get the role was on her own merits, not by anything I could say to anyone on her behalf.

I could flat-out ask her why she thought it appropriate to ask such a thing of me, of all people. Seeing as I have never benefited from pre-casting on the scale that she has. If you click back on that link, you�ll notice that I did volunteer to mention her name to a director, once. For a role I had no interest in whatsoever, at a theatre where we�d both worked for several years. Where she�s had a certain degree of carte blanche. (And after her response, I did not follow through.) But this is somewhere she�s never worked before, for a director who doesn�t know her from Eve. She�s thinking somehow she�s gonna be handed this role?

If I thought I could manage it without appearing to bite her head off, I�d try for an amalgam of all three.

I just can�t wrap my mind around her motivations. Knowing me as a) a friend and b) a fellow actress who is appropriate for many of the same roles she is, why would she ask this of me? It�s an odd combination of insecure (�I don�t have a foot in the door at this theater; maybe if Mel mentioned my name....�) and really, really nervy (�Of course, I don�t feel that I should actually have to audition for the role....�) I just don�t get it.

But I rant, and it�s late. Good night.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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