but can she bake a cherry pie?

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it's not the heat...
Thursday, May. 06, 2004

Now Playing - "Change the World" - Nellie McKay, 'cause of her.
Now Eating - Lean Cuisine Thai Chicken.
Now Feeling - pooped.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

I got home from the gym, and Huz told me my parents had called and not left a message. They do that. I called them back.

Me: Why'd you call?
Mom (laughing): Oh, I just wanted to tell you, I saw X (a man who used to work at my old job, didn't hire Mom when she interviewed there (and he should have; she's damn good) and then wound up working at my mom's current place of employ) on tv tonight. On the news. He's working for this organization, and when I found out what they do, I thought of you.

What organization, you ask? Habitat for Humanity.

She kills me sometimes, the woman does.

Me: Mom, that's for poor people who cannot afford houses of their own.
Mom: Well, you're poor!
Me: No, Mom. We're not that poor.

Apparently she fails to make the distinction between poor (read: us) and po'. We may be poor, but we're not that po'.

Ah, she means well.

Saw a fellow alum on Without a Trace tonight (Tim DeKay, for those of you keeping score at home). Had one of those quizzical "Who is that?" moments, and never would've guessed it was him; it was just someone with a kind of familiar face. Huz earned brownie points for thinking he looked "much older than you." He was older, but we were at school at the same time, so it was only 2 or 3 years. You know who I thought it was? The infamous Charles Rocket.

Time for one of those "taking care of myself" spurts. I need a tooth cleaning, and to get another TMJ appliance made, since I cracked the last one with my Incredible Grinding Jaws of SteelTM. Should go for an annual physical to see if any of this exercise crap is making a difference. Made an appointment to see a chiropractor. When the back went out badly last year, it took a really long time to recover. Since then, I've had a permanent twist in my right lower back. I sometimes have to do that "sleep with a pillow between my legs" thing to keep it from going out. My right hip's been stiff, and since that stuff's all interconnected down there, I figured I should see if I'm misaligned somehow. Sounds like fun.

Speaking of that "exercise crap," tonight I hit 100.24 miles, and two Ten percent there rubber duck. Ten percent there rubber duck. ducks!

And I am pooped as a result. Good night!

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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