but can she bake a cherry pie?

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i feel a tantrum comin' on
Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2003

Now Playing - will I ever be able to remember the difference between John Prine & John Hiatt?
Now Eating -
Now Feeling -
Now Tweeting - Melanie

So I met one of my little old men from the Y at the ultrasound place yesterday. His name is Ralph, and I could always tell he was coming down the hall by his whistling. I'd critique his haircut each time he came in with a new one. Very nice guy, and his wife, Selma, is this petite lil' done-up thing with ultra-coiffed hair and long purple nails. Hadn't seen them since last summer, when we ran into each other at a performance of Carousel I attended. So we caught up, and they're threatening to make the trek out east to see my show. I joke that I see Ralph more than I see my friend Leslie, and sadly that's almost true as of late.

I saw another little old man when I was waiting to be "checked out" after the ultrasound, but he didn't recognize me.

The test went as it should; the tech spent a lot more time on the bigger thyroid nodule. I asked her if she had any preliminary information as to the size of the nodules, and she launched into the expected "Oh, no, they have to be developed, and then they have to be read, blahblahblah." Standard Operating Procedure. When Patti gave me my last ultrasound, she read it right away and wrote out specs on the nodules she'd seen. Yet another reason to wish she was back here.

I then drove to the 'Rents. Mom was out at the dentist, and quite stunned to see me open the door when she got back. So she fed me, and I collected some mail, and we chatted a bit. I only had 45 minutes to spend, but at least she'll have her "child fix" for a while. Huz thinks they hadn't seen me since December; him shortly after Thanksgiving.

At my lesson, Joy told me an interesting story about a friend of mine who's a new student of hers. The student had auditioned for a show and thought she'd done very well. Another girl (who happens to be an Equity scab, and who I've mentioned previously, but I won't say where) got the role. My friend saw the show, and some cast members spoke to her after and said how "sorry they were about what happened." Her response was "So, I didn't get it...it happens." Turns out...she did. The Equity scab went to the folks in charge. And Joy, in the telling, asked the blatantly leading question, "And what do you think she did, Mel?"

"Yep! She cried!"

And got her little role.

Charming story, ain't it? Maybe we should all just cry in order to get the things we want.

I'm sorry, I thought that wasn't supposed to be effective after the age of...oh, six???

To add insult to injury, the mucky-mucks told Crying Girl that it was too late, the calls had been made...until someone realized that my friend had not yet been called.


Well, I guess I'll have to see how Music Man auditions go in a couple of weeks. Maybe a little hissy fit'll be in order for me as well. Or maybe I'll just do my frickin' job and get the frickin' part on my own merits.

That'd be something novel in the theatre community, eh?

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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