but can she bake a cherry pie?

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i need...more time!
Thursday, Feb. 13, 2003

Now Playing - Sinatra, "The Capitol Years" - research, ya know.
Now Eating -
Now Feeling -
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Boy, are we swingin' along with Frank today!

I bought a camera yesterday. It was one of my Amazon Gold box picks, and the reviews seemed good overall, as was the price. Our cheaponi camera died because we left the batteries in too long, so Huz's first instinct was, "Maybe we should invest in a digital camera." But we still haven't gotten the DVD player we intend to, and I'd rather have an "old fashioned" camera, especially since I'm not sure how my computer would handle "going digital." Now I'll just have to go somewhere where I can take pretty pictures!

The Boss was evil, evil yesterday. He had written an article on good cheap eats for our school paper, and in reading it I discovered he's been holding out on me. He's a big fan of what Huz's friend Jim Leff calls "grandma food;" the premise of such being that if you want authentic eats, you gotta go someplace where you'll more than likely find Grandma cooking in the kitchen. I either knew of or had eaten at most of the places Boss listed, but one had escaped my radar. European Republic, home of authentic pommes frites. I stormed into his office, demanding to know why I'd been deprived of pomme frite-y goodness.

"You haven't been to European Republic?" And then he waxed rhapsodic over their various dipping sauces.

A short time later, we were up to our elbows in frites. Think Nathan's fries, but better. Much better. And they have a lovely Dijon honey mustard. And their European sauce, which is a vinegar mayo, just made me feel oh-so-continental.

Of course, I should be fasting today in repentance, and in preparation for tomorrow's Valentine's feast. We're going to Ecco, The Artist Formerly Known as Caffe Angelica, which is where we got married.

Oh, to have just five more hours per day. I need to find shoes for the show. The director doesn't want your typical character shoe, so I'll be on the hunt for some fancy ol' ballroom shoes. And I need a haircut. I trimmed my bangs the other day - considering it was first thing in the morning, I didn't do such a bad hack job. They were so long I was futzing with them every few minutes. I always trim them myself, because (as I tell every haircutter who asks, "And what shall we do with yor bangs today?") I'd rather be to blame if I screw them up. And I run a much lesser risk of looking like Mamie Eisenhower if I handle it myself.

It's happened, believe me. And it ain't pretty.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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