but can she bake a cherry pie?

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what's snu?
Thursday, Mar. 03, 2005

Now Playing - "Rapture" - Anita Baker. Smoooooove jazz, gawdhelpme.
Now Eating - a grilled chicken salad from Quiznos, my new favorite lunch place.
Now Feeling - crampy.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Well, since we last met, I�ve had a birthday, which was very nice and involved cards from two out of three cool aunties (I now count my recently rediscovered auntie on the list), and a lovely birthday dinner here. And presents! Even though we said we were not going to do presents this year, since I ordered us tickets to this as a co-birthday splurge (Have you ordered your tix yet, GW? Huh, huh, have you?), Huz came through with Godiva truffles, a beautiful bouquet and three DVDs sharing the perfect birthday theme � DEATH! American Beauty, Silence of the Lambs and West Side Story. Because nothing says �Happy Birthday!� like closeted gay murder, serial killers and random gang violence. Well, not to me anyway! Seriously, Huz said he was looking at two other serial killer books, but didn�t want to buy them for me sight unseen. Gotta love a guy who�ll cater to my inner Clarice Starling.

Two days after the birthday, Mom went to the emergency room with chest pains. It turned out to be nothing, thank goodness, but was still scary. All the tests they did there came out negative, but they want her to go to a cardiologist for an echocardiogram and a stress test. She can�t do the normal stress test because she can�t walk the treadmill, so she was told they�ll inject her with something to simulate the effects of �a brisk hike.� Thing is, she�s allergic to epinephrine, so I cautioned her to warn them that it�d better not be that! Well, at least they�d have the paddles handy.

Anyway, she declared it safe for us to travel to South Jersey for Huz�s friends� first son�s christening. I�d missed their daughter�s christening some years ago because of some show or other, so I was glad to be able to make it this time. We stayed at a Comfort Inn, which, compared to the one we stayed at in Florida, was the frickin� Taj Mahal. We were semi-seriously considering staying longer! No iron tethered to the ironing board, no warnings about the fees for stealing towels (when they deigned to give us towels), no fee charged for using the safe whether or not you actually use it�I understand Ft. Myers is a Spring Break destination, but maybe next time we should ask for the �Responsible Adults� suite. But I digress. We got to see the Best Man and Wife and Twins, and sundry other friends we see rarely, and the trip was a relatively pleasant one. And we made it home in time for the Oscars.

The headache I�ve had since Monday afternoon finally seems to have abated, to be replaced by cramps! I�m not complaining � at least I know ibuprofen will help the cramps! Between the snow and the rehearsing for two things at once and the lovely headache, it was all I could do yesterday to keep from biting someone�s ankle and running out into the yard to eat grass. And all I wanted to do last night before rehearsal was to squeeze in one tiny half-hour nap, but five minutes into it our brand-spankin�-new air purifier (which conveniently doubles as a source of white noise) DIED. Flat-out, dead-as-a-frickin� doornail, lights-are-on-but-nobody�s-purifyin� DIED. After less than two weeks� use. And decided to favor me with a lovely �burning plastic� smell. Sonofabitch. Insert much PMS-fed cursing and spitting before I returned to my 15 minutes worth of nappage.

So that�s what�s snu �round these parts. Sometimes I feel entirely too much like the punchline to the joke about the waiter serving the tableful of Jewish matrons � �Is ANYTHING okay?�

But if I were happy and sunny all the time, I wouldn�t be me now would I?

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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