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pee annnnnnnxiety!
Saturday, Oct. 21, 2006

Now Playing - HGTV - Design on a Dime.
Now Eating - Fage Total yogurt with honey.
Now Feeling - pooped, after a two-year-old's birthday party today.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

The end of last week Sucked Royally (to use the technical term) but the weekend was followed by Dinners Out, and Gym (For the First Time in Over a Month), and Seeing Theatre and Friends, and this week was a bit better. New Boss did not freak out at me over something to which she certainly had the right, and we made each other laugh, and the New Temp is a little slow but very sweet, and has a musical, lilting accent.

I made doctor�s appointments, and on Tuesday went to a lab have blood drawn. And pee.

Let me pause a moment to ask a question of you. Have any of you discovered running (no pun intended really I swear I swear I swear) motifs in your life? I�ve noticed one in my life (and now my life with The Huz, both of us being water signs) � running water. Exploding sinks, incontinent dishwashers, mysterious leaks in cars, burst pipes, and I now expand this to include...pee. Specifically peeing for medical personnel.

Surely you remember all the fun I had the last time I did the Totage of The Pee? It was even more fun this time, but Now! With Added Mad Pee Skillz! There were cups with little pouring spouts. There were test tubes. There were directions. There were warnings not to flush if you were taking a drug test. (What, so they could be sure the Smuggled Pee in the test tube matched the Smuggled Pee you poured in the head?) There was peeing and pouring and sealing and signing and toting some more. And there was the dreaded announcement, after I told the woman at the desk that yes, I had deposited my Test Tube O�Pee in the box on her desk � �Oh. We�ll need more.� MORE? I had been fasting since midnight, and since I decided to go all Chemically Commando and not take my birth control pill that morning, I�d had maybe two sips of water. I GOT NOTHIN� HERE, PEOPLE. I headed back into the bathroom and apparently interrupted a drug test, as an angry tech scolded me �You can�t go in there yet!� while I stared at the bright blue water currently occupying the bowl (they test for Smuggled Pee with 2000 Flushes?) Once I was cleared for pee-off, I did what I could (which was not much) and emerged victorious , clutching my additional eighth of an inch of pee-in-a-cup.

  • Total time at the lab: 50 minutes
  • Total time spent in pursuit of pee: 10 minutes
  • Total time spent having my body�s vital fluids forcibly withdrawn from it: 35 seconds.

All this was in anticipation of my appointment with my primary care on Friday. Then the doctor�s office left a message Wednesday saying there was a �problem� with my appointment. I called Thursday morning, and a receptionist thanked me for confirming until I stopped her: �Waitaminute. I got a message yesterday saying there was a problem with my appointment.� Hold, please. New receptionist got on and told me the doctor would be out of the office at my scheduled time, and could I come in on November 3rd? The day after my scheduled appointment with my endocrinologist. I hemmed and hawed some, telling her that I had another appointment the day before but unable to say �This is not just a checkup � I�m depressed and would like to be seen as soon as possible!� due to my proximity to people whose business this definitely was not. I don�t know if the receptionist saw something on my chart or simply got a clue, but she said �Too many appointments too close together, huh? Hang on, and let me see what I can do.� I�ll be seen Monday at 10:30.

So I�m taking steps. And I thank you for the comments and emails and �this�ll make that morose bitch laugh� jokes. I�m trying.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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