but can she bake a cherry pie?

the here and now ~ too cool to be forgotten ~ if i wrote you ~ send me a postcard, drop me a line ~ where i'm from ~ variations on a design theme by... ~ i wish... ~ shameless self-promotion ~ host

there's cold, and then there's "oohgawddamn!" guess which one this is?
Friday, Jan. 09, 2004

Now Playing - "Designers' Challenge" - HGTV.
Now Eating - nachos. Don't say a word.
Now Feeling - tired.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

There was a mess of geese scrimmaging on the field of the state college by my house this morning. Go Geese!

So the first week of January has drawn to a close, and my cohort and I took some time out of our not-so-busy day trying to figure out what holidays we'll have off this year.

The dedication we have to this job is awe-inspiring, no?

Turns out, it's going to be a rockin' year, holiday-wise. Here at The Little Jewish Law School That (Almost) Could, as was the case at The Former Job, we get all the major Jewish holidays off. Unlike The Former Job, The "Parent Company" Powers That Be that oversee TLJLST(A)C also give us several non-Jewish holidays as well, like normal places of business do. (I've bitched about this previously here.) And this year, due to an especially favorable Jewish calendar and the kindness of near-strangers, we are bless�d with many holidays.

There�s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, which I�d forgotten about. 4� days total for Passover. 3� days off for Shavuous/Memorial Day. JULY FIFTH, since the Fourth falls on a Sunday. Labor Day, 3� days for Rosh Hashana, and five days total for Sukkot/Shemini Atzeret/Simchas Torah. Ye Olde Day After Thanksgiving. And possibly New Year�s Eve since New Year�s Day is a Saturday. Oh, joy. Ah, bliss.

Okay, done gloating.

I'm wearing holy clothing. The big, comfy, positively ancient sweater I'm sportin' today has a hole on a sleeve seam. Luckily, it's a nubby enough weave that no-one could possibly find the hole in question. Still...it troubles me. I'm too lazy to blow-dry my hair (heck, there are no students here to see) and my sweater has a hole. What's next?

Wow. WOW. I am no longer afraid of the day I have to clean out my parents� house, because I have seen this. I sent the link on to Mom. Her reply?

She then proceeded to tell me that her �memory foam� mattress pad has arrived, and the huge box is now in the living room being used as a �Kitty Condo.� Because there�s so much room for it, along with the four kitty scratching pads, kitty toys all over the floor, and random empty boxes and paper bags they �like to play in.� Mmm-hmm.

So we�re in the midst of this cold snap. The station wagon whines and complains for about fifteen minutes each morning. I brought a little bathroom heater to work, because there�s a wicked draft from our window, which turns into a crosswind whenever the door down the hall that leads to the �quad� is opened. Muuuuch better. The apartment, thank goodness, is still toasty warm. So much so that my usual sleeping M.O. is

  1. Dress in sleep attire of short-sleeved oversized tee.
  2. Lie on top of top sheet/quilt.
  3. Cover self with small, down-filled �lap� quilt.
  4. Sleep.

Meanwhile Huz is beneath the blankets and has two additional afghans covering his feet.

My ectomorph, I think I�ll keep him.

I got a version of the Nigerian scam in my Diaryland mail today. It had been spam-filtered, and I found the summary rather humorous, particularly lines 10-12 (bolding mine):

SPAM: ---- Start SpamAssassin results
SPAM: 8.20 hits, 5 required;
SPAM: * 1.8 -- BODY: Contains 'Dear (something)'
SPAM: * 0.9 -- BODY: Gives information about an opportunity
SPAM: * 0.6 -- BODY: illegal Nigerian transactions (2)
SPAM: * 0.4 -- BODY: Opportunity - What a deal!
SPAM: * 0.0 -- BODY: Risk free. Suuurreeee....
SPAM: * 1.1 -- BODY: Spam phrases score is 03 to 05 (medium)
SPAM: [score: 3]
SPAM: * 0.0 -- BODY: Contains a line >=199 characters long
SPAM: * 1.3 -- From and To are same (5)
SPAM: * 1.4 -- message body is 75-100% uppercase
SPAM: ---- End of SpamAssassin results
There�s a whole lotta yelling going on!

My workout partner and I got accosted on the treadmill last night. A trainer approached us, asking �Have you guys had an orientation yet?� (whyohwhydowereallylookthatbad???) Jim and I exchanged looks, and leerily replied, �Noooo. . . .�

We�re scheduled for Tuesday night. It�s good, it�s all good, because I do want to do a little weight training, and these machines are different than the ones at The Former Job. As long as he doesn�t try to wheedle us into a personal training package (which I really can�t afford), we�ll get along just fine. P.S. If you mouse over the �Going Nowhere� button further down the page, you can see my mileage.

I�m getting on the ferry tomorrow afternoon and crossing Long Island Sound to Bridgeport, CT to see two friends in a show. Hopefully, no reenactments of Titanic will occur. Maybe we can all huddle together in steerage to keep warm. We�re all bringing nosh for the trip, and I�m making a Mexican black bean and corn salad. Which I really should start, so I�ll sign off now.

Happy Weekend, y�all. Stay warm!

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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