but can she bake a cherry pie?

the here and now ~ too cool to be forgotten ~ if i wrote you ~ send me a postcard, drop me a line ~ where i'm from ~ variations on a design theme by... ~ i wish... ~ shameless self-promotion ~ host

goodnight and thank you whoever
Sunday, Jan. 18, 2004

Now Playing - Huz's tape of Oz in the bedroom. Chris Mmmmmmmeloni.
Now Eating - drankin' a DP.
Now Feeling - achy. Surprised?
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Another belated Friday Five
1. What does it say in the signature line of your emails? My name, and a link to this site.
2. Did you have a senior quote in your high school yearbook? What was it? If you haven't graduated yet, what would you like your quote to be? No quotes in our yearbook...just the paragraph in which you listed all your activities.
3. If you had vanity plates on your car, what would they read? If you already have them, what do they say? Well, the ones I ordered a week before I totaled my car said DIVAMBL (Diva Mobile) but I never got to use them. Neither of the cars we have now quite fits the �Diva Mobile� image, so I guess I�m going to have to wait until one of them goes to the Big Junkyard in The Sky.
4. Have you received any gifts with messages engraved upon them? What did the inscription say? When I was little, I received two bracelets with my name engraved on them from my paternal grandmother. The only other engraved jewelry I have is my wedding band, which is engraved with one word (I have small fingers!) Four people know the word � the engraver, Huz, me and a friend who happened to guess.
5. What would you like your epitaph to be? I don�t know...perhaps �A life well-lived.�

Yikes. Fell off the updating wagon there for a bit. First week of classes was pretty hectic, what with students asking about grades (that�s the Registrar�s office...we don�t handle grades), wanting to see tests (we have one professor�s Torts papers and another professor�s Property and Evidence grade breakdowns...nothing else), needing withdrawals processed (except for the wench who couldn�t make the drive from the next county to process hers in person), and book vouchers and mailboxes and I.D. pictures and lost I.D. excuses and...it really sounds like I hate my job, doesn�t it? I don�t, I just hate when it all gets so hectic and everyone expects you to be psychic, or drop whatever you�re doing immediately to come to his or her aid.

But I have the day off tomorrow [insert Happy Dance], so I�ll stop complaining. About work, anyway.

Took two voice lessons this week...finally feeling back up to speed after the annual Phall Phlegm. I was getting a bit worried there, because the very top part of my range (the really high, non-practical-unless-I-suddenly-opt-for-an-opera-career part) felt like it had �backslud� (to appropriate from the late Dizzy Dean) more than a little. Fuzzy and splintery and just not there. But things seem to be falling back into place, just in time for rehearsals to start for the revue I�m doing next month..

The two lessons were in preparation for an audition for Into the Woods entirely too early yesterday morning. Why make the women sing first? Let the big, (hopefully) butch, testosterone-laden men roll out of bed and sing! (Horribly sexist, and only half-serious.) And not that it mattered anyway, since I didn�t get to sing a note. The kid behind the table told me they weren�t accepting any performance conflicts, and after checking my book I found I had two, so I handed him my picture and resum� and hit the road. Forty miles and an hour-and-a-half outta my life that I�ll never see again. I�m not really bitter about it; it�s just that it�s a new theater that pays really well (by Lawn Guyland standards) and I would have liked to get my foot in the door. And the show�s a favorite of mine, which I�ve missed out on doing in its various incarnations over the years.

On the way home, I looked at the paperwork more closely. They have eight tentatively scheduled school matine�s. I would have gone into the negative on my vacation days, and that�s something I really don�t want to do. And there was this really interesting tidbit on the audition application (bad grammar left intact):

You must answer the following honestly and straight forward. We will know if you haven�t: this question is a large part of our decision making process with regard to Into the Woods. Stephen Sondheim�s music is difficult and requires individuals with proper training to sing correctly. Having performed in the show previously is not necessarily adequate to our needs and expectations.

Please indicate the amount of years and the place of any formal musical training you have received. This relates to vocal training, musical instruments, and musical theory. (List them all individually)

Can you sight read music?

Please provide the name and phone number of any individual who will verify your musical training.

What next? Blood sample? First-born child? Note from Mom?

I found out from Joy that the two people called back for the Baker's Wife (the role I was interested in) are a very young-looking friend of mine and the girl who played Luisa in their Fantasticks. (And that the girl who's pre-cast as Cinderella has...wait for it...performance conflicts.) From what I saw as I was leaving, there was no-one there who looked old enough to play any of the character roles in the show. At that rate, they might as well get the rights to the High School version.

Honestly, I�m not bitter. In retrospect, I�m better off. I just wish I�d gotten the chance to sing for them; and I�m thinking that if I hadn�t been honest and taken myself out of the running according to their (apparently fast and loose) specifications, I might have been able to. But hey, if it�s meant to be, it�s meant to be. I do intend to send a follow-up note to the Artistic Director to make sure he got my resum�.

Saw some theatre last night - Run for Your Wife at T3. I�m not really a �bedroom farce� type of gal. ::Mel looks sternly at the Peanut Gallery:: I�ve seen and done Lend Me a Tenor, which I love, and done a production that will forever be known as The Bad French Farce, whose only saving grace was the marathon cutthroat game of Spit I played backstage with two friends. That said, this show was good. Partly because they�re all good actors, partly because I know 98% of the cast and appreciate their shtick outside the context of the show, partly because many of them have done the show already and are very familiar with the material, and partly because...well, at one point my friend Brian did a spit take that was simply poetic. A thing of beauty. Majestic in its scope. And that I can appreciate.

This cold, changeable weather is wreaking havoc upon my delicate constitution. I�ve had a couple of sinusy headaches that have lasted for two days straight, and right now my right leg�s one big ache. But in 16 days, I�ll be in Florida. The days will be getting longer, the sand will be fine and the sun will be warm. The king-size bed will be immense. And the peppermint ice cream will be sublime. I cannot wait.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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