but can she bake a cherry pie?

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a rant, and something greater
Wednesday, Nov. 06, 2002

Now Eating -
Now Feeling -
Now Tweeting - Melanie

We Interrupt This Post For A Brief Rant:

Will the idiots who were doing 35 and 40 mph, respectively, in the left lane of a major thoroughfare on my way home tonight please stay home??!! They call it "driving" for a reason; if it were "standing" you wouldn't need four wheels and two tons of metal surrounding you.

Will the idiot in front of me who decided to slow almost to a stop after turning off said major thoroughfare onto my only slightly less major one please see above?

Will the spammers who keep sending me shit just leave me the frick alone??? I do not want "Discreet Overnight Shipments" of Viagra, Xenical or any other shady pharmaceuticals. I do not need to "enlarge my penis up to 14 inches" because, for the last time, I DO NOT HAVE A PENIS!!! I don't need a better mortgage rate or instant approval for one because I do not own a home! I don't want free insurance quotes, to be a home worker or to get more customers for my (nonexistent) online business. And once and for all, I do not want to see ANY �TEEN SLUTS" DOING ANYTHING WITH FARM ANIMALS!!!!!!!

*ahem* Moving on...

My mom's old boss, Irving Roth, is a Holocaust survivor. She first worked for him at "a worldwide information technology services and solutions company" whose website states, "in more than 100 countries we deliver the precision thinking and relentless execution that drives our clients' business transformation." Precision thinking. Relentless execution. How eerily ironic that they should have a survivor working for them. She later worked for him when he was helping develop the Holocaust Memorial & Education Center of Nassau County. They became good friends, and he and his wife attended both my wedding and my brother's.

Irv came to speak at my school today. The topic of his lecture was Kristallnacht, a pogrom directed at German Jews that occurred on Nov. 9 & 10, 1938. I saw him and his wife, Addie, beforehand. In all the years I�ve known him, I had never heard him speak before today. He was wonderful. I mean, I�ve read about the Holocaust, I�ve seen the movies. But it�s different when you�re right there listening to someone who lived it, and who is there to tell you about the evil he has witnessed. And lived through. Survived. He spoke for about an hour, and answered questions for about a half-hour more. The professor running the program let me have the last question, and I�m so glad she did. Because it tied in with what Irv called �almost a commercial� for something important he�s doing. I stated something that I have mentioned here, that what concerns me is that someday there will be no more survivors left. And there will be no-one left to testify. With so many Holocaust deniers who would like to revise history out there, did he think this would happen again?

Irv mentioned programs like Spielberg�s �Shoah� project, a video history documenting survivor�s testimonies. And he spoke about his own �Adopt a Survivor� program, the gist of which is described by Irv here. I quote:

�The insight and spirit of the survivor must be transmitted to the third generation � the grandchildren of that generation. They are the last ones to have direct physical contact with survivors. They must absorb what is within the soul of the survivor. The third generation must adopt a survivor and become their alter ego. Today, and fifty years from now, they must be able to stand in front of students and adults and retell the life story of their adopted survivor with feeling, passion and accuracy. (Italics mine.) It is through the eyes of the third generation, immersed in the life of the survivor, that living history can be truly transmitted without the bias and agenda of historians.�

I hope he succeeds. And I would love to help him in the effort. But it still frightens me, the evil in this world.

Have you heard? ER has never been better. Can anyone say Jump the Shark? I thought you could.

Would you believe the moment after I posted this, I got spam advertising "BEST ONLINE PHARMACY! VIAGRA AND MORE!" I thought you would.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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