but can she bake a cherry pie?

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water under the bridge
Sunday, Apr. 20, 2003

Now Playing - Trading Spaces and HGTV
Now Eating - nothing.
Now Feeling - headachy.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Huz keeps taking Timmy to the theater with him. I am concerned. Anything could happen! He's up in the loft (Yes, my husband the pit musician is up in a loft. Where the band, and more specifically the conductor, cannot even see the stage. Welcome to The Organization.) and sitting on a keyboard overlooking the stairs. Timmy does not have brakes on his chair! He could roll off! And let's face it, Timmy has enough problems. He does not need to go hurtling down the stairs.

Keep this on the QT...I think Huz is gonna get a Cartman for his birthday. If he's a very good boy.

His birthday's not until the end of June. And it's his 40th, too. I actually bought him some presents today at The Maul. And ran into an old high school friend of his (who's also a good friend of mine), and her two great kids. So we did dinner at McDonald's. The girls had Happy Meals. At one point, her younger daughter Gina waved her hands and said, "Dirty!" A napkin was proferred. Before you know it, Gina has upended her Happy Meal box and is "chugging" her french fries. Fries everywhere. And that's how you can tell this child is the perfect composite of both her parents.

Rehearsals are going very well. You forget sometimes what it's like to work with an intelligent director. Of all the things I could fault P.E. for, I certainly can't fault him for his intelligence and attention to detail. We've talked backstory, the different layers needed in the show (you have the Taming of the Shrew scenes, the way the characters relate to each other now, and the vestiges of the way they used to feel about each other), the historical context of the show.... It's actually good to be working with him again. We're behaving ourselves. There's a lot that's still unspoken, and sometimes it feels like we dodge around things while still sort of acknowledging that they lurk just below the surface. It's more than a little ironic that this should be the first show we do together after so many years. Dealing as it does with a theatrical couple, long separated, attempting to work together again. But it's good, it's really good. What I said the other day about people wandering back into my life? Well, there's another one.

It's strange in a way. He's said stuff to me like, "You did [insert name of a particular show], didn't you?" "And when you did [insert show here], what role did you play?" He told me that he pretty much knew everything I'd done over the years. And I knew through others that he would speak of me to new people at the theater. Odd. I can think of no explanation for that.

I'm glad enough water has gone under the bridge that we can salvage a professional relationship from all this. And I'm glad I'm coming back here, now, being who I am now. Going along with that whole "coming into my own" thing is the fact that I know myself better now, and know myself better as an actor. I understand so much more, and am able to talk so much more intelligently about what I do. And that's only happened in the last two or three years. I'm a very different person now than I was ten years ago. And hopefully he is, too.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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