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words of love
Wednesday, Jul. 23, 2003

Now Playing - "Strawberry Letter 22." Don't ask.
Now Eating - a Butterfinger. Pressed the wrong button.
Now Feeling - vaguely hypoglycemic.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

My husband surprised me this morning with Words of Love. This is not like him. I�m usually the first one to say "I love you;" although, to give credit where it�s due, he was the first one to say it after we started dating. I�ve run the �Sometimes you just need to hear it/I know he loves me/Actions speak louder than words� gamut, and I�ve come to the conclusion that it is what it is. He�s a reserved person, my husband. Not a talker until he gets to know you (and then of course he doesn�t stop.) His father was a closemouthed, kept-his-emotional-cards-close-to-the-chest man, and his mother was the family disciplinarian, so the reticence goes back a long way.

But anyway, back to the Words of Love.

As I closed the bedroom door, he stirred and mumbled�

"Yes, honey, I know. I�ll get them."

Well, it's his version of Words of Love.

We�ll both be home tonight. In the same place, at the same time. To celebrate this momentous occasion, I am cooking dinner. Pasta with spinach, garlic, goat cheese and...chickpeas. Which, despite repeated trips to the grocery store this week, we were positive we had in the cupboard. Wrong. So it's off to market I go, and while I'm there I can pick up my two mystery rolls of film and some evaporated fat-free milk for vodka sauce. Hey, this cooking thing could become a trend.

We have an incoming first year student whose name consists of a yeast infection and a luncheon meat. And that�s all I�m sayin� about that.

Okay, who�s reading me from Longwood? �Fess up...I see you out there!

I have a one-inch growth of white roots sticking up out of my head and glaring at me every time I look in the mirror. L�Or�al here we come. I have the dye, I just don't have the time. Between cooking and desperately needing to study my script, dyeing could fall by the wayside tonight. Or be bumped to a before-work rush job. But I have to be a born-again redhead for Belle of Amherst. And Late Night Broadway as well. That'll make three performances on Saturday, and may be enough to make me tear my (hopefully red) hair out.

And now my blood sugar is plummeting, and I must eat.


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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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