but can she bake a cherry pie?

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the fine art of procrastination
Monday, Jul. 21, 2003

Now Playing - Divine Design. Is that Ann Hampton Callaway doing the musical interludes? Or Diana Krall?
Now Eating - a mellow Irish cheese, washed down with a D.P.
Now Feeling - uninspired.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Yeah, another entry. What are you gonna do with me? I must be inspired by my new Supah Gold-ness! (Hey! Go leave me a note!)

It's windy, and the vertical blinds are clacking and the windchimes are swirling. And it's nice and cool and airish in here. It almost smells like the ocean, which is nigh on impossible as we're probably ten miles from shore. Well, I can dream that this little landlocked garden apartment is a beach cottage, can't I?

It rained today. Maybe that explains the beachy smell...negative ions. Huz was supposed to be doing an outdoor concert tonight, and since he ain't here, I guess it went on.

I'm procrastinating big time. It began after work, when I went to CVS and got My Pills (Hey, whaddaya know? They're actually partly covered by my insurance now! A big $25 instead of $37.99!), and put three rolls of film in for developing - two of which are so old I have absolutely no idea what's on them. Then I thought, "Hey, I'm out and about, why not go to Trader Joe's and stock up on some fun stuff for the pantry?" It was only through sheer force of will that I was able to refrain from visiting The Gap. Is it even called The Gap anymore? Am I dating myself? Well, no-one else is....

So it was home to unload, then eat, then sit in front of the computer futzing the evening away. When I should be studying lines. Fabulous.

I want to see Seabiscuit. Despite the fact that Tobey Maguire freaks me out in a "Elijah-Wood-something-creepy-behind-the-eyes-tortured-animals-as-an-adolescent" kind of way. Heck, I want to read the book, though I doubt I'll get around to that before seeing the movie.

My newfound friend/stage manager/computer whiz Lori Anne may be able to install some more memory into my computer. She just happens to "have some lying around." Ah, bliss. That'll make me happy.

Can you tell I'm procrastinating?

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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