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put down the fries and no-one gets hurt
Wednesday, Sept. 07, 2005

Now Playing - HGTV.
Now Eating - a Big Mac Meal, because I AM MENSTRUATING AND I WANT IT!
Now Feeling - poofy. Very.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

No-one seemed in a very great rush to get home this evening. The first half of my drive was riddled with idiots who were making left turns from the center lane, stopping to talk to other drivers, picking their noses and looking at the sky.... They weren�t bothering me all that much, except they were keeping me from my food! Once I�d made it through the drive-thru, it was smooth sailing.


I see you eyin� my fries, soldier. Stand down! (That was for Meany.)

Aww, I just discovered that Huz washed the linens today. I was planning on doing it to surprise him, once I�d decided to bail on the gym. More license to sit on my ass! Huzzah!

There�s this guy at the gym I call The Unabomber. Dresses head-to-toe in black � Black baseball cap, black sunglasses, black fleece jacket over black t-shirt, and black pants tucked into his black Doc Marten-esque boots. Not your typical workout gear. Shades? Boots?

His workout consists of rapid-fire reps on a variety of machines, and several minutes on an exercise bike with a towel draped over his head. Hanged if I can figure out what his fitness gestalt is. His personal one seems to be an odd amalgam of �LOOK AT ME! DON�T LOOK AT ME! WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME?� Needless to say, I spend as little time looking as possible. (Dying to ask the staff about him, though.) Who knows � maybe in his head he�s calling me �That Odd Poochy Girl Who Uses the Railing as a Ballet Barre and Thinks She�s Still a Dancer.�

There was another guy on Monday who was on the stair machine for about an hour, and I got to observe the progression of sweat down the entire length his red t-shirt. I also got to observe the puddle of liquid on the floor around the machine when he was done. Note to self: do not use the stair machine nearest the window. Ever.

Hm. The headache I�ve had for two days has finally evaporated. Fast food therapy!

This is the second Now Longer Lasting! And With New and Improved Painful Throbbing! headache I�ve had in the past month. I wish I could chalk it up to hormones, but the last one was smack-dab in the middle of my cycle. I read something in a magazine at the gym (Behold, how it all comes back to the gym!) about migraines that masquerade as sinus, tension, what-have-you headaches, and I really should do some research into that. Whee. Another doctor.

Of course, it could be a tumor....

I got word earlier in the week that a dear old friend/former mentor had a rather massive heart attack last Wednesday. He�d been rehearsing a show in Seattle, left rehearsal and collapsed on the street. Heartfelt thanks to the good folk of Seattle who didn�t let him just die there, and got him to hospital tout de suite. (Ooh, how French! Like the fries!) The hi-tech trauma unit he was in did all sorts of hi-tech stuff like reducing his body temperature and drugging him into a coma to let his body rest and rebound. Which it seems it has, as he�s out of ICU, off all machines and up and around. He�ll have some sort of device implanted to jump start him in the event of another �cardiac event.� Geeze.

Thing is, he had a heart attack several years ago, which spurred him to stop smoking, lose a ton of weight and clean up his act. I just hope his heart recovers from this. It inspired Huz to make an appointment for his annual physical and an echocardiogram to check on his aortic thing. Thankfully his chest pain incidents have diminished greatly since he was told they were probably caused by stress. Funny how knowing they�re from stress lessens the stress. We�ll see if he can manage a week in Florida with his family without an attack.

My brother and sis-in-law were in for the holiday weekend, so we all got together for dinner Sunday. My SIL is down to a size 2. Yay, SIL! Way to make me feel inadequate! I�ll admit it, she looks really good. Of course, she's younger than I am and still has a metabolism.... Everyone�s concerned that she�s anorexic, but I said to her mother, �Look, I�ve known plenty of anorexics � she�s not anorexic.� She�s eating right and exercising, and trying to get my brother to do so as well. Can�t fault her for that.

Monday was spent with the owners of the theater where I�d last worked, at their annual Labor Day fest. This replaces the other annual Labor Day fest thrown by the owners of the other theater where I haven�t worked for three years, and to which Huz and I were not invited. One of the dual invitees remarked, �It must�ve been an old list!� Yeah, over ten years old, since that�s how long I�d worked for them. I don�t miss it, really, and I�m not sure I�d go back if asked. Especially since I don�t get asked unless someone else has turned it down first. �I�m sure there�ll be other things in the season for you.� I�m not holding my breath.

I�m tired. And I�m so going to the gym tomorrow night. I swear.


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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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