but can she bake a cherry pie?

the here and now ~ too cool to be forgotten ~ if i wrote you ~ send me a postcard, drop me a line ~ where i'm from ~ variations on a design theme by... ~ i wish... ~ shameless self-promotion ~ host

Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2006

Now Playing - crickets. No, really.
Now Eating - drinking, caffeine-free Coke.
Now Feeling - tired.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

I am tired, people. Tired and hormonal and emotional (especially over people losing their pets, which has had me bawling and thrusting my tissued fists into my eyes, and thinking about my own Best Puddy�s demise almost 7 years ago, which is a story for another post). I work and work and work, and then look at the clock to see it�s only 3 and I have three more hours of this? I need to start taking lunch. I need to start not giving a crap that no-one�s minding the store, because no, they have not hired a temp and no, no-one�s been helping me as promised. I need to start getting paid for doing the work of four people.

I need to email my boss and ask �When I came into The Big Dean�s office tonight and he said �We were just talking about you!� I should take that to mean �We were just talking about all the money we are going to give you!� riiiiight?

I went to the gym last night for the first time in a week, and ground away some stress on the elliptical. And vowed to myself that I will start going Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Not try, do, young Skywalkers. Because if I say �I�ll try,� I�ll give myself the out. �Do,� and I�ve got to. And I�ve got to do something for me right now.

That said, here are a few things for which I am thankful this evening:

  • scottmichael, who talked me down off the ledge as I prepared to plunge facedown into the Pity Pool. I probably don�t thank you nearly as much as I should. Thank you.
  • The sun! Which put in its first appearance in what feels like EVER this evening, and saved me from the onset of Premature Seasonal Affective Disorder.
  • The nice couple who pulled up alongside me and told me my right front tire looked flat.
  • My mechanic, The Car Whisperer, who reinflated said tire and took a look at my faltering A/C for good measure.
  • My druggist, who as he saw I was leaving without my third prescription, made it a point to say �We�ll have that one for you tomorrow,� even though I don�t actually need it for a week and a half.
  • Hardware Store Guy, who helped me find plant food. Basil and Phil thank him as well.
  • Pizza. �Nuf said.
  • Huz, who grocery shopped and bought me goat cheese. And white bread, after I told him I like my grilled cheese like I like my men: white. And cheesy.
  • The Fabulous, who is gifting me with a share of her spa day, and taking us both for facials this weekend. Spa-ing with a best girlfriend � see above, re: doing something for me right now.

Here�s a hint as to how truly out-of-it I am, or "Case Studies in Adult-Onset ADD: Number Six Million, Eleventy-Seven Thousand...Ooh, Look! A Piggy!"

One morning last week, I dropped a Dixie cup behind the sink after brushing my teeth. Consequently, that evening, I knew I�d need a new one. I rinsed my mouth, then went to the linen closet and grabbed a cup. Back in the bathroom, I look down at the sink and see the cup with which I had just rinsed my mouth. Huz had replaced it, as is his wont (because he is A Good Husband). In my lameass defense�umm, my contacts were out? No, there is no defense � I just have the retentive memory of a flea.

My husband is also A Very Patient Man, have I mentioned that?

Off to be A Dutiful Daughter and call the �rents, who I�m sure believe I�ve fallen off the face of the earth....

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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