but can she bake a cherry pie?

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ticking like this
Sunday, Feb. 16, 2003

Now Playing - Trading Spaces
Now Eating -
Now Feeling -
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Huz is out on the town with some musician buddies, and I'm here avoiding stuff I should be doing, so I thought I'd write.

We had a lovely Valentine's celebration. Dinner was delish, he liked the new look of the restaurant (more upscale than he normally cares for, but not stuffy), and the owner welcomed us as warmly as ever. She and her husband (the chef) got married just three weeks before us, so there was a "we're all in this together" aspect to all the planning that was very comforting at the time. We've never had a bad experience there since they've been in charge, and friends still rave about the food at our wedding.

Rehearsal was delayed two hours due to the arrival of our grand piano, and the subsequent arrival of the piano tuner, about whom the artistic staff remarked, "Well, we'd better let him do his stuff now, or who knows when we can get him back." So we woodshedded songs in the lobby, and provided diversion for Honey, the box office lady. We ran through the first act, and will start with the second act tomorrow and then attempt to run the show.

There are pictures on the theatre's new website, but I'm not linking to them because my arms look fat. So there.

Had an interesting encounter with my biological clock this evening. A peanut butter commercial came on. Going-back-to-school Mom blows off son because she's too swamped by schoolwork, so he goes and makes her a PBJ sandwich in case she wants to "take a break."

"You made this for me??"

Mother and child embrace, bathed in the golden glow of baseball, apple pie, and Chevrolet.

And I have to admit, I felt a twinge. Not a big twinge, but a twinge nonetheless.

Now FYI, folks, this means nothing. I'm not throwing my pills down the drain. I'm not planning any blatant subterfuge (if that's not too much of a contradiction in terms) to trick my husband into knocking me up. Our life is too complicated right now, and we're poor, and (with the exception of the aforementioned twinge) I am still ambivalent on the kid issue. There are medical concerns, and monetary concerns, and child care concerns, and "Do I want to make a child even more neurotic than I am?" concerns.

But there was this twinge. That makes me wonder what it would be like to receive that kind of love back from someone you love that much. That's a part of you.

I don't yet know what that means to me. I don't know if I ever will. But this is the first time since the halcyon days of my youth, since I've been with The Huz, that I felt something like this. There's thinking about it, and then there's feeling. This was a feeling. And a wondering what it would feel like to be a "three of us."

Or I could just chalk it up to hormones and full moons and encroaching birthdays, oh my.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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