but can she bake a cherry pie?

the here and now ~ too cool to be forgotten ~ if i wrote you ~ send me a postcard, drop me a line ~ where i'm from ~ variations on a design theme by... ~ i wish... ~ shameless self-promotion ~ host

throw the baby out with the baked goods
Friday, Feb. 14, 2003

Now Playing -
Now Eating -
Now Feeling -
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Friday Five time....

1. Explain why you started to journal/blog. I've written sporadically over the years, and when I discovered Diaryland, I thought it was an interesting concept. I'm at a point right now where I want to set things down in words and be able to step back and take a look at my life. And just enjoy the process that is writing.

2. Do people you interact with day to day or family members know about your journal/blog? Why or why not? Some friends and cow-orkers do, because I include a link in my email sig. I try to omit it when I send mail to my family. My mother has read my journal. I'm not sure if she reads it regularly, but I'd prefer she didn't.

3. Do you have a theme for your journal/blog? It's called "Diary of a Mod Housewife?" in hommage to Amy Rigby's album of the same name. Her definition of it can be found here, fourth paragraph down. The design "theme" is retro.

4. What direction would you like to have your journal/blog go in over the next year? I just want to have the stamina to write on a regular basis, and keep figuring out what place work and love and art hold in my life.

5. Pimp five of your favorite journals/blogs. Trance, Marn, CubicleGirl, Go Figure, Lisa McC.

No results from my sonogram as of yet.

Huz is buying hair color for me, but I doubt I'll have time to do that today. I may just settle for a cut. I want to stop at The Maul and pick up some Godiva truffles for him. I bought his cards on the way home from rehearsal last night. This Valentine's Day feels odd, for some reason. Yes, we're going to dinner, but we really haven't discussed anything in the way of "Is there anything you particularly want?" I almost confessed to the camera purchase last night, so he wouldn't feel compelled to buy me anything. But I didn't. ~^

I had a dream the other morning. A couple we're acquainted with recently had a baby, and I dreamed that the husband had left his wife, and we were all at some social function and she was passing the baby around for people to take care of it. Only thing, the baby was in an Entenmann's Bakery box. A very specific box. It was the Valentine's Day Holiday Popems box, all pink and red, with the little window on top so you could see the baby inside.

On that note, have yourself a happy little Valentine's Day. Eat some Popems. But make sure there's no baby inside.

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0 of you lovely people have left word so far

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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