but can she bake a cherry pie?

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take it off, take it all off
Friday, Apr. 28, 2006

Now Playing - "Better Way" - Ben Harper.
Now Eating - drinking, agua.
Now Feeling - ready for the weekend.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

I�m going to see a production of The Full Monty tonight. Currently mulling purchase of night vision goggles.


If you can�t ogle your naked friends, who can you ogle?

Actually, the whole deal does make me a little uncomfortable. I am not a prude in many ways, but in some ways? Yeah, I really kind of am. I mean, I�m all for contextual nudity, but we�re talking friends here. Friends with whom I perform, and have other professional relationships with as well. And yes, several of Those Who Are Soon To Be Seen Nude are gay, but some are not, including some from whom I would not mind a little contextual nudity, were I a free and single woman.

BUT�part of me thinks, turnabout is indeed fair play. Given the propensity of women to appear scantily clothed onstage way more often than men, shouldn�t we get equal ogling time? One of TWASTBSN never fails to tell me I am the best thing about every show in which he sees me, whether I�m supposed to be or not. This goes back to a show in which we chorus girls spent plenty of onstage time in our scanties, and I never fail to assert to him that that was the true appeal, not any appreciation of my �talent.� Shouldn�t I have the opportunity to tell him he was �the best thing in the show,� so to speak? Managing to say it with a straight face may prove a greater feat of acting than I have attempted to date.

So yeah, night vision goggles. Or at least a powerful Maglite.

Back to a full work week, and dayum, it was tough. Especially since my boss came back from Spring Break with the bubonic plague, which I didn�t know about until halfway through the day on Monday. I�ve done my darndest to avoid catching it, which of course meant he suddenly felt the need to touch every object on my desk. Why don�t you just LICK MY PHONE????

And on Wednesday, I was treated to another example of his impeccable timing, in the �Can you fax this thirty page document using the fax machine that ALWAYS needs babysitting even though I see that you have your coat on and are desperately attempting to pretend you did not hear me as you sidle out the door?� mold. Two minutes (TWO. MINUTES.) before I was due to leave for a dinner date (coincidentally with one of TWASTBSN), he called (since he�d taken his Bird Flu Germs and headed home early, for ONCE) to ask if I would make forty copies of the (multi-page, natch) Adjunct Bios list to be distributed at that evening�s Adjunct Faculty Dinner. �Or could you go over to the Vice Dean and ask him whether he�d prefer to just tell the adjuncts to update their bios, if necessary? Thanks.� I did. And the Vice Dean (who is so Not On My Shit List) graciously acquiesced to simply asking them to update, especially after I pointed out that I was two minutes (TWO. MINUTES.) away from freedom.

So a show tonight, then dinner out tomorrow in honor of my brother�s birthday/wedding anniversary. More fun with relatives not my own and mediocre Italian food. And on Sunday, she rested.

Have a great weekend. If you're so inclined, feel free to rock out with your...ohnevermind.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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