but can she bake a cherry pie?

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and i wonder still i wonder
Thursday, Jun. 08, 2006

Now Playing - Joseph Arthur
Now Eating - nothing. I'm hungry.
Now Feeling - hungry.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Rain, rain, go away.

(And take the damn humidity with ya.)

I�m not all rainy days and Thursdays, though. There was a mystical confluence of Dinah Washington and Joni Mitchell on The Preciousss in the car this morning, taking me back to carefree college days. And The Boss lent me Carl Hiaasen�s Skinny Dip, since we both saw him on 60 Minutes last Sunday, and had come in the next day marveling about the nutsiness of my natal state, and Hiaasen�s ability to mine entertainment from its murky depths. At 50-odd pages in (Look at me, readin� a book!), the heroine had been dumped off a cruise ship by her lousy husband, and floated to safety clinging to a marijuana bale. This after Hiaasen�s informed us that her parents died in a plane crash caused by a trained bear, and her first husband was killed by a falling (and failing, obviously) skydiver.

I think I like this book.

The Boss just showed me an article about a Florida judge (in my natal county, no less) who ordered two bickering lawyers to settle a disagreement with a game of rock, paper, scissors. FABulous.

All this talk of things Floridian is especially apt since we head down there at the end of the month, to pay the in-laws a long-overdue visit. Made easier by the fact that the majority of the in-laws will not be there, and we�re staying at their house for free. Made more difficult by the fact that we get to visit my MIL by ourselves for the first time. And for the first time in her new digs.

I mentioned this briefly, but MIL was moved some months ago to a cottage for lower-functioning patients. Not because she is, but because she was too interested in a fellow patient. Again. So she�s in the semi-vegetables area, though she�s not even close to being one. My SIL has noticed that the caregivers are more lax about things like the hygiene of their patients, and keeping them dressed appropriately for the Florida weather. I suppose it�s almost to be expected when your charges are barely functioning, but it�s A. not good caregiving and B. just sad. And sad for my MIL, because the staff were so much more engaged when she was in Cottage 5, and I believe that that kept her more engaged as well.

Anyway. We haven�t been down since last October, and in that time she�s lost the names of family members. She does not understand her relationship to my SIL. The supervisors have told my SIL that giving her flowers or birthday cards is not really necessary anymore, since she�s not cognitive enough to enjoy them. I�m thinking we should do a couple of short visits during the week. At this point it�s more for Huz�s sake than hers. Sad.

My friend Jill asked about my allusion to us gettin� out o�Dodge�or at least our humble (for the moment) garden apartment. As I�ve mentioned, the complex was bought by a corporation with the intention of turning it into luxury apartments. We suspect next year�s rent increase will be substantial. In the meanwhile, three different condo complexes are going up near the new site of The Little Law School That Almost Could. A substantial number of units in these complexes are dedicated to �low-income� or �workforce� or �next generation� housing, call it what you will. I went to a Civic Council meeting last night where reps from the three companies, and members of the Lawn Guyland Housing Authority spoke about their plans. It sounds and looks very interesting. I don�t think we�d qualify for the workforce housing � since Huz technically owned a house (MIL�s) within the past three years and we have the proceeds from that house in our accounts (regardless of their primary use as funding for MIL�s nasty lil� assisted living �habit��JOKE!) � but the rates for the market units seem like they could be reasonable as well. Our lease expires January 31. Depending on the availability and affordability of housing in the Law School area, we may either cut bait or hang out here for a bit, and then make our current management company an offer they can�t refuse. �Hey, you want to turn these into chi-chi luxury housing (and good bloody luck to you) let us take ourselves off your hands!� We�ll see what happens.

In the meanwhile, and in the spirit of �We may someday have a bigger place to live!� wishfulness, Huz and I hit IKEA last weekend and cleaned them out of these (five of them, to be exact) at 50% off. It was too good a deal to pass up. And given that they were on sale, it stands to reason in my mind that they are going to eliminate them (at least in the grey-white finish, which is what we bought and what matches our living room furniture) come next catalog. BECAUSE I LOVE THEM, and IKEA MUST DISCONTINUE EVERYTHING I LOVE.

But I sure showed them � ha-HAAAAAA!

(And I got a big bag of tealights, and wooden hangers, and ice cube trays....)

(Darn you IKEA, darn you all to heck.)

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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