but can she bake a cherry pie?

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food food food, everything is food
Friday, Jun. 09, 2006

Now Playing - something familiar and folksy on 'FUV.
Now Eating - nothing. *sigh*
Now Feeling - empty and grumbly.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

When we move to The New, Improved Little Law School That Almost Could, I am putting my foot down. Mine will no longer be The Desk on Which Everyone Dumps Food! I am not always�



Most of the time it�s a matter of the delivery du jour being plopped on my desk. Coffee containers, leaking barbeque, salsa, soup, you name it. Plus, when the holidays roll around and we get the occasional gift o'food from student or staff, where does it go? On my desk. Where space is at a premium anyway, what with my computer, the enormous rolodex, a datebook for each boss, phone memo books, the in/out box, several standing files, stationery supplies, and of course�

He has since been 'healed,' don’t worry.

my Duck bobblehead. Priorities, people.

I have enough trouble keeping my desk organized without sauce, crumbs and people getting in the way.

Speaking of barbeque, I managed to wangle some for myself twice last week. On the way back from our Westhampton Belle on Saturday, I turned to David and said,

�SO! You hungry?�

�I was just going to ask you that�.�

This was a little after 9 p.m. After some �Twist my arm! Ouch! Ouch!� I convinced him to take a chance on Smokin� Al�s. We got there at around 9:40 and the place was still packed. We had a beer at the bar (while I tried to refrain from stealing a piece of cornbread from the prep station)(It was just sitting there, people! Calling to me! Am I MADE OF STONE???) and were finally seated at around 10:10.


I got a sliced brisket and baby back combo platter, with the aforementioned cornbread, sweet pertater fries (which I consumed with their onion haystack sauce - YUM) and garlic mashed potatoes (so nice and fluffy when fresh � they�d congealed a bit when my boss brought them back during the week).

I swear, in a year I�m going to look like Violet Beauregarde, working so damn close to that place.

�Hi, I need this photo framed. I was thinking something warm, like maybe an oak or walnut, with maybe an ecru mat.

And could you put a rush on it?�


I managed to remove myself from an awkward situation (accompanying someone to someplace I really wanted to go, just not with them) with a minimum of fuss. So I will be deprived of some entertainment this summer, but I�ll spare myself some tsuris. It all balances out in the end.

Have a good weekend.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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