but can she bake a cherry pie?

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we are sick, we are sick, we are sick, sick, sick
Tuesday, Mar. 02, 2004

Now Playing - "Moondance" - Van Morrison.
Now Eating - chocolate Kisses.
Now Feeling - like 8 miles of bad road.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

'Tis almost Spring, and a relatively young woman's fancy turns to thoughts of...her inevitable seasonal sinus infection.


My head is not that big!

I'm finally on good ol' Biaxin, thankyewjaysus, after a seven hour wait for the doctor's call-back. But I'm not sleeping, because of that whole "not breathing" thing, and because our heat's up a few notches too high for the temperate weather we've been having. Either that or it's early menopause, because even in just a tank top I was shvitzing to beat the band last night. And I have those weird every-muscle-in-my-back-aches, which characterize "real sickness" in me.

Pity, party of one?

I took off Friday and Monday, trying to rest up for last weekend's four shows, and the five in the week to come. Didn't help much, as I deteriorated to the point that next-to-nothing was coming out of my throat by the end of Sunday's show. Missed my friends' big Oscar party, to which I'd finally scored an invite, and will be missing Mom's birthday dinner tonight.

*snif* I'm tired of this. My voice teacher knows an ENT who used to be staff doc for Westbury Music Fair, and has done seminars on the voice featuring videos of her vocal cords. I'm thinking of making an appointment with this guy and having him take a look-see into my head (a scary prospect for all concerned) to figure out what the hell's going on in there. There must be a reason why every cold instantly becomes a sinus infection and then tries to migrate to my lungs. Maybe it's Sinus Tissue Gone WildTM. Maybe it's the cyst I have up there (although it's in the opposite sinus from the one prone to infection). Maybe it's allergy-related. Maybe it's just chronic crap. Anyhow, I'd like to find an answer. And putting a fiber-optic camera up my nose and down my throat so I can see my cords would be cool!

Dear Readers, any hints as to what to try? I'll usually dose myself with C, zinc & echinacea when I feel something coming on. Zicam hasn't proven itself to be terribly effective so far. I can only do Sudafed to decongest, and most antihistamines dry me out something fierce (especially the Claritin I took Sunday - yowza!). I take Humibid to keep things moving. I'm leery of neti pots because I can't see myself using them without drowning (Sorry, Deb). I have been using my little personal vaporizer, and it's been helping. Anyone? Duff? Harriet?

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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