but can she bake a cherry pie?

the here and now ~ too cool to be forgotten ~ if i wrote you ~ send me a postcard, drop me a line ~ where i'm from ~ variations on a design theme by... ~ i wish... ~ shameless self-promotion ~ host

ooh, shiny!
Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2006

Now Playing - nothing.
Now Eating - nothing, though anything to counter the caffeine high would be welcome.
Now Feeling - anxious.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Still alive, y�all. It�s just tech week. I have vague anxiety that I�m trying to turn into excitement (it�s not a far stretch, really) and my cuticles are in tatters, but we ran the show last night and nobody died. The director and the musical director hissied at each other like ninth grade schoolgirls. Someone threw a chair in a fit of pique, because said chair was not positioned where it was supposed to be. I in turn threw a drinking straw that this particular Someone used as a prop and abandoned midstage before a dance number. Mm-hm, talk to the straw.

Deep cleansing breaths. I can only control what I do.

I�m okay, really. Like I said, trying to channel the anxiety into excitement. And there is stuff to be excited about; this is a great role for me, I think overall the leads are strong, and there are moments when we all sound pretty glorious up there.

Scene: Sunday afternoon, the bedroom. After finding a small, wet pile of laundry on the bed, Huz posed a question.

�What did you get on your SATs again?�

I told him.

HOW???? I figured you would have left half the questions unanswered!�

I reaffirmed my suspicion that I suffer from some sort of adult-onset ADD.

�YOU live with me; you SEE how I meander about the house leaving half-finished tasks in my wake! Believe, me, I wasn�t always like this!�

�Maybe you should see a doctor.�

�Well, the whole Ritalin thing went over really well when I was a kid.�

Yes, I was on Ritalin as a young�un. And this was back in the days before �No Child Left Unmedicated� came into vogue. I was six, and I only know this because we still lived in Brooklyn and because the therapy appointments kept me from seeing all of �Happy Days� each week. The doctor seemed to think I was an ideal candidate (insert raised eyebrow riiight abouuut here ~^ ), but Mom thinks it was just because she couldn�t keep up with me, and I refused to sit on my father�s lap for more than two seconds at a stretch. My parents wanted docile, and docile they got. And HATED it! So they weaned me off of it, thus ending Mel�s adventures in Better Living through Chemistry.

The only area of my life where focus is not a problem is theatre, natch. Good thing, too, because I could only imagine the merriment that would ensue if I�who is that woman in the front row with the HUGE bouffant hairdo and why is she choosing NOW to crinkle that candy wrapper and�ohI�msorrywasthatmycue? The only real �anxiety dreams� I have involve being late to the theater and not having enough time to get ready.

At this point, I�d take the dreams over the knot residing under my solar plexus.

Deep. Cleansing. Breaths.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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