but can she bake a cherry pie?

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of sleep, dinner and busting scum
Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2003

Now Playing - "Steamroller" - JT
Now Eating -
Now Feeling -
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Our parents would be so proud.

The Huz and I slept through the night!

In the same bed. No-one wandered out to the living room because they were fussy, or the other one was fussy and keeping them awake. No-one was too stuffy, or too itchy, or couldn't turn their brain off because they were humming show tunes in their head.

Simultaneous insomnia can be a scary thing, folks.

That, and the fact that I am hating my pillow. This shouldn't be, because I have one of those NASA space foamy-conforms to your head-pseudo-ergonomically correct-faux Tempur-PedicTM pillows. This pillow should be comfortable. This pillow should allow me to awake refreshed, aligned and wrinkle-free.

This pillow is full of shit.

And I was just in Bed, Bath and Beyond (sounds like it should be a superhero's catchphrase, no?) last night. Did I think "new pillow?" No.

I thought "new frames," since we're having friends over on Saturday, and I still have stuff to hang on walls.

But I'm gonna have to think "new pillow" very shortly, because my neck and I are not on speaking terms at the moment. "Big fluffy-yet-firm squooshable pillow," at that.

Yep, so with any luck we'll have dinner guests Saturday. One of whom does not believe I can cook (there was much ribbing at my expense over the food poisoning incident, believe you me), the other of whom knows from experience that I can. But is on the Atkins Diet so, no carbs. What is life without carbs? Taters, bread, pasta! I'll be making Tuscan London Broil, so he can pig out on beef (contradiction in terms notwithstanding). And cheese and veggies and dip.

Of course, this means we have to actually clean the apartment. If we didn't have the occasional dinner guest I'd have a lucrative second job as a dust bunny wrangler. The Super-man replaced the disintegrating backsplash on our bathroom sink, and covered up some of my hair dye bloodspatters, so the bathroom looks a bit more presentable. And I am now the proud owner of a Black & Decker ScumBuster Deluxe, so that'll be getting a workout Saturday morning. Soap scum begone!

The tree is still up, so I guess we'll have to come to a decision about its future before the weekend. I still love it, but having the apartment back the way it was is appealing, especially when entertaining.

Enough. My work here is done. It's off to home and then a lesson, because Joy makes her annual pilgrimage to Disney World later this week. Do I feel abandoned? Hell, yeah!

*snif* I'll be just fine, thank you.... *snif*

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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