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putting it together
Sunday, Nov. 25, 2007

Now Playing - Cold Case, from the living room.
Now Eating - chocolate soy milk and Chips Ahoy.
Now Feeling - my back hurts.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

I love my husband. I hate how he assumes I never have a reason behind anything I do.

I have mentioned how The Boy Who Moves My StuffTM puts away things of mine without asking whether I need them. We hit upon a variation on that theme today. I was spackling and painting various places in the condo that needed spackling and painting. Two of these areas were by the two sets of curtains I'd installed. While waiting for the spackle to dry, I noticed that the curtains in one room had been drawn. I caught up with him in the other room as he was about to draw the other curtains. "Leave them like that. I'm not done painting there." "Oh."

Part of me can't help feeling that he looked at the curtains and thought, "There she goes again - leaving stuff for me to straighten up." And part of me feels bad if he thinks that's his lot in life. And I know in my ADD-led state I'm always wandering from project to project, but if he'd just ask me if I'm finished in one place before cleaning up after me, he'd find out that I was indeed not done yet. (Or it would serve as a handy reminder to me - "Oh yeah, I was in the middle of that...ooh, shiny!"

Another thing I noticed during the Bob Vila-esque froth I whipped myself into this weekend: my frustration with a project is in direct proportion to the state of my lips and the perimeter of empty space around me.

When I'm concentrating, really concentrating on something, I tend to chew on my lips. Right now they are mighty chapped, let me tell you. And if it gets complicated or things begin to go wrong, I start pushing the things around me farther and farther away. "WHY is the CORD for the eLECtric drill HERE? IT is IN MY WAY!" I pushed over a small folding table today because it was standing between me an the other end of the drapery rod. I can't focus if I feel crowded.

Hmm...bet you can't wait to come over and help me with that IKEA stuff now, huh?

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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