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dinner as porn flick
Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2002

Now Playing - dah daaaah dah dah DAH dummmmmmm....
Now Eating - tommorow, okay???? Blame my thyroid!
Now Feeling -
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Damn. Ate the last Red Hot Beef burrito. Left me wanting more.

Of course, it's 11 at night and I'm just eating dinner. Because I came home from work, computed a bit, and then fell dead asleep on the couch, only to be awoken by the husband giving me a ring. I had to shoo him off the phone because I was hungry and still so tired.

Really, it's time to get that thyroid checked.

And, I guess, to tell the following story. File under "...and I think that G-d's got a sick sense of humour."

Junior year of college. Showering one morning, lean my head back to rinse shampoo, feel pain in the neck region. Hmm. Thyroid's swollen, and it hurts. (Thinking back, how did I even know that's what my thyroid was? It had never bothered me before....)

Call Mom. She calls my throat surgeon (another story for another time, but I've had surgery four times for lymphatic cysts in my neck and throat. Maybe that's why I was aware of my thyroid. Know thy glands.) He says I'll need a radioactive thyroid scan, and an ultrasound. I say, "Get me a flight." No way I'm dealing with this up here by my lonesome. I fly down. I meet with an endocrinologist, who feels me up and says he thinks I have nodules on my thyroid. There are two kinds, cold and hot ("Hey bay-bee, you got some hot nodules there!" Yes, I'm all about the innuendo when I'm punchy), and the tests will determine which. Hot nodules are the good ones (resist, Mel, resist); the cold, quiet types are usually the cancerous.

Go to the radiologist. Get the big needle full of radioactive iodine (Will I glow in the dark? Please? Please?), lie under the big machine, poof! Done. Go into the other room for the ultrasound.

Lights are low, muzak in the background. I lean my head back over the edge of the table, the tech squirts some warm goo onto my neck and goes to town.

After a bit, I suddenly realize what tune the muzak is playing.

The theme to Brian's Song.

I'm thinking I gotta be okay now -- G-d's having too much fun with me for it to be bad!

Note to the Muzak People: < Maggie Smith in Murder by Death > "That's tacky...that is really tacky." < /Maggie Smith in Murder by Death >

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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