but can she bake a cherry pie?

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beware the pissed-off housewife
Monday, Feb. 10, 2003

Now Playing - "Naked New York" on Metro
Now Eating -
Now Feeling -
Now Tweeting - Melanie



There was a message on our machine today from MIL, saying that the phone company had called because her bill was two months past due. Which it is. But a woman with Alzheimer's (and a tendency to fixate on things in general even before she was diagnosed) does not need to be fixating on the fact that her bills are not getting paid. I am not pointing a finger at The Huz. No-one is assigning blame here, because no-one deserves blame. But things are messed up, Huz is stressed beyond belief, there is no filing being done other than throwing her paperwork into larger and larger plastic bags, and things are very quickly falling by the wayside. Huz had moved some empty files to the front of our filing cabinet to put MIL's stuff in. I grabbed some and put labels on them - only three, "Taxes," "Home" and "Heath," because her financials are a mystery to me. They now have stuff in them. "Home" has the new deed to the house and utility bills, "Health" has her �Life Alert� contract, and �Taxes� has what I hope are all her necessary tax forms from last year. Because lawdy, it was a pain finding those from the year before. Tonight, when he gets home from his gig, we will send out checks to the phone and electric companies. What savings this woman has does not need to be eaten up by stupid late fees.

Okay, he�s home and we got some things accomplished. He has a small pile of "bills to be paid" which he'll take to MIL's tomorrow and get checks for, we're going to sign up to have her phone bill deducted from checking each month, he'll pay her credit cards through the cash machine...we're taking steps.

This is why I pay all the bills. I take the responsibility off his shoulders. But he's now taking the responsibility off of MIL, and he's not equipped right now to deal with it. I've been wondering what I could do to help him out more in taking care of her, and I think this is the way to do it. There's so much disarray around her (and I do mean "her" not "here"), what with her illness and all the various bills and paperwork and keeping the accounts straight as we take her money out of her name, that we really do need to keep on top of it. And I guess that's where I come in.

Now I need to do my "homework" for the show (whch we were "assigned" to do since rehearsal was snowed out) and get myself some rest.

Nancy Sinatra is playing The Downtown (a mere three blocks from my home) the night before we open! I think this cast needs to go on a field trip!

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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