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arrrrrgh...and i'm not a pirate
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003

Now Playing - "Smells Like Teen Spirit," as reimagined by The Bad Plus
Now Eating - Roast beast & cheddar with honey mustard on rye. And Snickers minis. I'm PMSing, dammit!
Now Feeling - suppressed anger.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Why am I angry? Because last night there was a note The Boss's mailbox from an adjunct professor regarding scheduling class evaluations. The Professor indicated when he wished to have the evaluations done, and then requested that someone other than myself conduct them, as he had (I paraphrase) "not yet recovered from the nastiness of the last time."

The nastiness perpetrated by himself, which he has obviously chosen to ignore.

Last time, when he entered the classroom before the evaluations were finished, I told him, matter-of-factly, that according to school policy, he was not allowed to be in the room while students were writing them. He couldn't seem to fathom being told what to do by a woman, and muttered something like "what is this bullshit?" and then asked if I'd ever seen Six Feet Under. Told me I could get a job as an extra. In other words, my deadpan reaction to his scintilllating combination of vulgarity and condescension indicated that I'd make a good corpse. When I left, I thanked him very much for his courtesy, and then oops! Let the door without the safety hinge close a little too loudly behind me. Students came up to me later, apologizing for his behavior. Who exactly was the nasty one here?

Thing is, he so obviously has no clue who I am, as we've had entirely civil phone conversations, and I've gone and posted notices for his students as a favor when he's been running late to class.

I just don't comprehend why people have to be blatantly and deliberately mean to other people. I haven't learned much in my years, but I have learned not to be like that. I only "lose it" with someone when I've been pushed to my breaking point. (Inanimate objects are another matter entirely.) I only hope someone treats his mother, daughter, sister or wife the way he treated me, and he gets an earful of how that feels. Although, considering his personality, the existence of any of the above in his life is debatable.

All things considered, I'm impressed by the fact that the students are relatively trouble-free here. The only annoyances I've had have been faculty-related. Nothing like the old job.


Possibly my biggest character flaw is my inability to let things go. I remember "slights" from as far back as elementary school. Granted, the anger has dissipated over time, but the fact that I still remember such things so well disturbs me.

::deep cleansing breath::

Cancelled out on my lesson last night because my left sinus started pounding on the drive there, and I got hit with a wave of fatigue. Huz was home when I got there, and made me soup. I lolled about for the rest of the evening, and got to sleep at a reasonable (for me) hour. Sleep is a good thing.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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