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still tryin' to play a phonograph record with a peanut.
Wednesday, Jul. 16, 2003

Now Playing - Letterman.
Now Eating - nuthin'.
Now Feeling - a pint low.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Since leaving work tonight, I gave blood, bought cosmetics at the drugstore and am now drying a load of laundry. A successful evening so far. Now I'm waiting for The Huz to come home so I can wave my wounded arm in his face and gross him out. Marriage is fun that way.

I'm surprised the women at the Blood Center didn't turn me down, since I'm convinced my blood must be 90% peanut sauce by now. I am deep into the peanut sauce. Lunch today was Thai Tortilla Spring Rolls from CPK, swimming in peanut saucy goodness. And yesterday, in honor of The Partner in Crime's birthday (I still have to fill out your cards, E.!), we went to Pulau (formerly Penang) and had Malaysian food. Chicken Satay with a totally different, but still delicious, peanut sauce. Thing is? I don't even like peanuts. I'm opposed to most nuts in general. They get stuck in my teeth. But the peanut sauce? Good good good. ::wipes drool::

The calendar fills. An invite to a Mets game from my parents, and an excursion into the city to see my friend's musical about the Brooklyn Dodgers the next night. I'd love for Dad to see it, but at 8:45, it may keep him up past his bedtime. My parents, King and Queen of the Non-Transplanted Pre-Floridian Early Bird Special.

One of my little dreams is to take Dad to Cooperstown. As a Brooklynite who grew up in the proverbial shadow of Ebbets Field, I know he'd get such a tremendous thrill out of it. I know I would, too. While not a rabid baseball fan, I like a good game now and then. And I appreciate the history of it all. How many broads my age know who completed the only unassisted triple play in a World Series?

Unfortunately, it was against the Dodgers.

Dem Bums.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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