but can she bake a cherry pie?

the here and now ~ too cool to be forgotten ~ if i wrote you ~ send me a postcard, drop me a line ~ where i'm from ~ variations on a design theme by... ~ i wish... ~ shameless self-promotion ~ host

orange you glad i didn't say banana?
Monday, Apr. 07, 2003

Now Playing - the NCAA Championship. GO SYRACUSE!
Now Eating - just finishing up a D.P.
Now Feeling - achy, tired, stuffed. Par for the course.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

A belated Friday Five...

1. How many houses/apartments have you lived in throughout your life? The Southampton Apartments, on Shore Parkway in Brooklyn (which were owned by the Trump family - father Leonard, not The Donald) when I was very young, then our first house in Sheepshead Bay, then the house on Long Island where my parents still live. My first apartment in college, a great three-story Victorian cast house in Rock Island, IL, the apartment in Toledo, OH with the upstairs tenants who played bass-heavy rock at 2 a.m., the ranch house in Champaign, IL where the boyfriend's "bedroom" didn't have a door, our basement apartment with the crappy heat and the landlord who liked to powerwash things the moment I'd step in the shower, and our current lovely garden apartment.

2. Which was your favorite and why? This apartment is my favorite, but I loved that Victorian cast house. We had such fun doing Seven Brides, and the house was so quirky, with its back stairs and loft spaces and spiral staircase and ghost and the tiny kitchen that we stuffed 30 people into and took pictures.

3. Do you find moving house more exciting or stressful? Why? Incredibly stressful, in that I have way too much crap, and procrastinate about packing it and wind up piling and cramming things into whatever vehicle has been commandeered for said move. When Huz & I first moved in together, the adjustment was so great that I thought I was losing my mind. Adjusting to a whole new space, and a whole new person. I would think I saw things moving out of the corner of my eye, misplace stuff left and right.... And our last move was so forced and frantic that a year later I still have trouble finding things.

4. What's more important, location or price? Location, location, location. We couldn't be happier right now in our above-ground, well-heated, off-the-street, nobody-tromping-about-on-our-heads quiet, little garden apartment with balcony.

5. What features does your dream house have (pool, spa bath, big yard, etc.)? A pool, and someone to take care of it, would be nice. To just live by the shore would be even nicer. A window seat. Lots of closets. A fabulous kitchen with a kickass work island with prep sink, and one of those stainless steel chefs' stoves, with six gas burners and a little grilling rack.

I am plum tuckered out, chilluns.

I have not torn a page off my Joy of Cooking Page-a-Day calendar since March 22.

I am scared of the science project that is my bathtub.

I almost bounced the rent check.

I need a vacation. Like nobody�s business. But since my vacation days are being eaten up by excursions to various libraries to do dramatic readings, a vacation is not in the offing.

And besides, we here in the Mod Household have bigger fish to fry.

MIL is home. The stroke was minor, from what we can tell. Huz hasn't spoken to any of her doctors. She had three CAT scans, each one showing improvement. Her neuro said her speech and vision were not damaged. But it seems to have given her a scare. She wants to go stay with my sister-in-law in Florida for a while. And then, when she gets back, who knows what we'll do next. Maybe she'll be ready to do Assisted Living. Maybe we'll put the house on the market. It's time.

There are so many things I want to write about, but they pass through my mind so quickly in the rush of the day. By the time I get a moment to myself, they've come and gone. I guess I'll just leave off with...

People who currently rock my world:

~The Huz, who bought me Dr. Brown�s Cream and Cherry sodas. Yum.

~Cousin Sue, who braved the wilds of the Belt Parkway and the insanity of Drivers Who Did Not Know the Boundaries of Their Own Personal Space to ferry us to and from cousin Andrea�s baby shower.

~Mz. Em, who is always ready with a kind word, and a pertinent quotation. I really do appreciate it.

Go, Orange!

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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