but can she bake a cherry pie?

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can i do it 'til i need glasses?
Friday, Apr. 14, 2006

Now Playing - "Rain on the Roof." Literally.
Now Eating - chicken masala with brown rice.
Now Feeling - supine ("'Zat a word? Who knows?")
Now Tweeting - Melanie

My father just called. To make sure Huz and I weren�t giving ourselves fungal infections that would make us go blind.

I�m surprised it took him this long. Tch...he�s slipping. We actually had a conversation about this at work the other day: two co-workers were describing their scrupulous contact-handling regimens.

�I only use Ivory soap when I wash my hands, and use lint-free paper towels to dry them.�
�I use lint-free towels as well, but always blow on my hands afterward�just in case.�

(Never mind that she�s blowing a bunch of germs right onto her hands...but at least they�re her germs.)

I wonder what they�d think of me. �Umm, yeah, I guess I usually wash my hands when I put in my lenses. At least with a baby wipe...or something. I think.� Truth be told, I�ve been wearing lenses since I was twelve and have never had a problem. ::kicks back in rocking chair:: Y�know, back in the day, I used to mix my own saline from salt pills and distilled water.... I�ve slept in lenses. I wear them long past their throwaway date. I�m not as bad as my hard-lens-wearing friend, who employs what she likes to call the �lick and stick� method for refreshing an errant contact. But hey, to each his own.

We spent the day with the �rents, yesterday. I was supposed to do lunch with The Fabulous, but when Mom called the night before and told me she wanted us there at 1:00 (�You can help me. Or go over tax stuff with your father.�), that was effectively blown out of the water. Okay, Dad and I did go over a little tax stuff, but mostly I whiled away the hours before dinner by ridding Mom�s computer of SIX BILLION �cutem widdle kitty� pictures, multiple installation shortcuts for programs that had been long installed and obsolete emails. And I defragged her hard drive. And did laundry.

And cursed my brother for remaining in PA so that I had the pleasure of spending MY day off with HIS in-laws. Because (sing it with me now) Mom�s just a girl who caint say no, and felt she had to invite these people she can�t even STAND 85% of the time to share the holiday with us. His MIL fell asleep mid-conversation with my husband. At least she and her husband only had one snap fest over dinner, regarding her shopping habits. Honestly, though, I would have taken a plague of locusts over them in a heartbeat.

Anyhoo, The Fabulous and I get to do lunch tomorrow after her rehearsal. We thought about heading into the city today to catch a show, but she informed me last night that her day today would consist of making two urinals, pulling costumes and then heading to Elizabeth Arden to pick up robes for six naked men. (It�s for Full Monty, btw.) Hi-diddlee-dee.

I should get moving, considering it�s 3 p.m. and all I�ve done so far is eat, read the paper and futz around on the computer. Hi-diddlee-dee, indeed.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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