but can she bake a cherry pie?

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mission: organization
Tuesday, Oct. 21, 2003

Now Playing - "I Don't Know What It Is" - Rufus. Wainwright, that is, not "Chaka Khan and...."
Now Eating - Grilled Chicken Bacon Ranch salad - McD's.
Now Feeling - sleepy.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

So today's our anniversary...sort of. As Huz deemed it, when I asked him what day today was (referring to something totally unrelated), "Oh, you mean our fake anniversary?" He decided after our marriage that our wedding day should be the only "anniversary" celebrated. So this, the the day we started "going steady" eight years ago? And also the day he asked me to marry him six years ago? Means. Nothing. Pfft.

Well, feh on him. I fully intend to recognize and celebrate an occasion as momentous as this. okay, so I actually forgot it was today. Happy Pseudo-Anniversary anyway, hon.

So Mission: Organization continues. In addition to the fabulous closet shelf dividers mentioned in the last entry (and Sunnflower, you wouldn't believe the difference they make), I ordered a mess o' these to corral the herd o' shoes on my side of the closet. And Sunday night, I sat down and organized said closet. Threw out about six pair of shoes (Blasphemy! Sacrilege! Ah, I hated 'em anyway.) and grouped the clothes from back to front in order of 1) nice blouses I seldom wear, 2) fancy dresses and suits, 3) summer dresses, 4) skirts and pants, 5) winter dresses, 6) winter blouses and 7) summer blouses that have nowhere to live other than the closet. It looks neat. And I'm hoping it'll stay that way. Have to live up to that beautiful lilac and sky blue paint job.

I'm seriously considering painting the dining room. It's so small and there's only one solid wall (doors in the other two and the third is a drop-down that divides the living/dining areas). It'd probably take four hours, tops. Huz is fine with the thought, as long as he doesn't have to do any actual painting. I'm thinking a cool, soothing Fiesta-inspired Sea Mist. Lovely.

I never thought I'd say this, but there might be such a thing as too much bacon. Had my second McDonald's salad today...the Bacon Ranch. And I'm sorry, but the pile of bacon lumped in the middle? A wee bit much. Too salty, especially combined with the Ranch dressing. But I did enjoy the salad. What's this with fast food places making good, relatively healthy salads? Wendy's, Mickey D's...all I can say is, keep it up!

Oh, my - look at the time. School's out here...gotta run!

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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