but can she bake a cherry pie?

the here and now ~ too cool to be forgotten ~ if i wrote you ~ send me a postcard, drop me a line ~ where i'm from ~ variations on a design theme by... ~ i wish... ~ shameless self-promotion ~ host

oh yes, wait a minute mr. postman
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003

Now Playing - "Shiver Me Timbers" - Tom Waits
Now Eating - drinking, apple cider.
Now Feeling - anticipatory.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Friday Five time...

1. Name five things in your refrigerator. Five canisters of Pillsbury Crescent Rolls, goat cheese, red wine, Dr. Brown�s Cream Soda, a small bottle of Tabasco sauce.
2. Name five things in your freezer. Frozen shrimp, Fla-Vor-Ice bars, H�agen-Dazs ice cream, Pizza Rolls, fat-free evaporated milk.
3. Name five things under your kitchen sink. A pink, heart-shaped bucket, a bottle of Goo Gone, Lysol Wipes, laundry detergent, a small recycling bin.
4. Name five things around your computer. A bottle of Crabtree & Evelyn Lilac cologne, a pile of old answering machine tapes, a car sticker for the school where I work, a letter from a dead friend, a lace doily.
5. Name five things in your medicine cabinet. Toothpaste, my contact lens case, Huz's razor, Band-Aids, floss.

I love getting mail, just love it. In all it's various permutations. I check my e-mail obsessively. I even like getting bills (when there's money for them), because I enjoy the sense of accomplishment paying them gives me. I'm the High Priestess of Catalogs (second only to Debbie, who is and shall always be Queen), and I love them for the endless sense of possibility they bring. And then when you order something, you only have to wait just a few days, and magically on your doorstep...PRESENTS!

I say this as it's been a bit of a banner week for me, mail-wise. I got a lovely note from Ashu thanking me for her shower gift...I love you too, and I can't wait to see those babies!

I got these, which I had planned on getting even before The Huz made a relatively innocent comment about clutter that I, of course, had to grab onto like a hungry pit bull. (I managed to forgive him after a few hours. Of course, he knows none of this.) They're up, and they actually do make a difference. The sweaters are all lined up nicely and neatly. Now I just need a shelf on top of the shelf, for more stuff. And someone else in the house (who shall remain nameless) needs to get rid of the huge backlog of newspapers he's never going to get around to reading. "Mr Pot? Telephone for you...it's a Mr. Kettle calling...."

I got a couple of e-mails from the one of two members of the opposite sex who have seen me naked AND read this diary, eating his own particular brand of crow over what he perceived as insults to my person. Which they weren't, and from which he redeemed himself further by complimenting my person in his own inimitable fashion. And R., the only reason my "shortcomings" might have been called into question was because I was dressed like this at the time...

Lord, that was a long time ago.

And a couple of days ago, I arrived home to find an Amazon package on the doorstep. Funny, I hadn't ordered anything from Amazon lately, at least not for myself. I opened it, and was shocked and delighted to find a note from the fabulous Mimi, and a copy of this. Which I am reading, and which is very interesting. Thank you so much, Mimi. It was terribly sweet of you. Can I now consider you my own private internet stalker? Which kind of defeats the purpose of the book, but still....

I'll read the book Mimi sent, and then I'll read it again. First time for "story" (even though it's non-fiction), second time for content. I always need time to process things. Never ask me immediately after seeing a piece of theatre what I thought of it; the answer won't be worth a damn. Same thing with movies, or music, or television. I need time to think things through, to formulate my opinion.

I feel like turning cartwheels today. Instead, I will go to the doctor and have more blood removed from my person (I donated and watched the Yankee game Wednesday night. Damn Yankees.) I will go out to dinner with Dad, possibly here. I will get up early tomorrow, and return misbegotten catalog purchases to their respective companies via the U.S. Postal Service. I will do laundry. I will cook dinner. I will clean. I may use power tools. I might even caulk the bathtub.

Anything is possible.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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