but can she bake a cherry pie?

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the long and winding weekend
Friday, May. 23, 2003

Now Playing - Luka Bloom. Ah, that accent.
Now Eating - nothing.
Now Feeling - relieved.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Friday Five...

1. What brand of toothpaste do you use? Colgate Tartar Control, for years now. Even converted The Huz.
2. What brand of toilet paper do you prefer? Any kind, so long as it's not scratchy like sandpaper.
3. What brand(s) of shoes do you wear? Oh, lord. Many. I'm currently addicted to Dansko closed-back clogs - they're the only salvation for my feet after a whole evening in dance shoes. Dance shoe-wise, Capezio and So Dan�a. I have no idea what brands of ballroom shoes I've been buying lately.
4. What brand of soda do you drink? The Huz got me hooked on good ol' DP, as our friend Ellis refers to Dr. Pepper.
5. What brand of gum do you chew? Wrigley's Spearmint or Doublemint.

We got a very nice review in Newsday today. I had no idea he'd even been there - no-one said anything that night. I wish he'd mentioned the chorus. They're really very good, and the "Too Darn Hot" number looks smashing. The arrangement is kickass as well. And of course, due possibly to the infamous "space constraints", we apparently have neither a music director nor choreographer. C'mon, it's just two names...they couldn't fit 'em in somehow?

After Wednesday's first show, the Stage Manager said to all of us, "Well, you've had three run-throughs now...I finally feel you're ready to open!" Even with a substitute music director, the two matinees went very smoothly. See, if we'd just had three extra rehearsals, we'd have been ready on opening night! This was probably the scariest opening I've had since I'd last worked there, when there was just a one-week turnaround between shows. But it's up, and can only get better from hereon in.

Ever have one of those days where everything you touch turns to shit? Days where the copy machine jams if you look at it wrong, your computer blows up, you can't dial a phone to save your life? It's been one of those weeks. This week involved Express Mail. I sent out three packages Monday. One to Albany, NY, one to Manhattan and one to my sister-in-law in Florida. The one to Albany had to be resent Wednesday because it never arrived, then both packages showed up at the same time. The one to Florida arrived a day after its expected two-day travel time. The one to NYC was sent back here and arrived today! No reason, just a big X through its (correct) address. I blame it on hormones. The inanimate objects know...they just know.

Time's up here at work. Off to launder, and rest up for tonight's show. Happy Memorial Day Weekend.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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