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j-j-j-j-jiiive turkey!
Monday, Nov. 20, 2006

Now Playing - Leno.
Now Eating - nothing.
Now Feeling - pooped.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Even at this late date, my family is still trying to firm up Thanksgiving plans.

I emailed my brother a month ago telling him I didn�t think Mom should cook this year. She�s in worse physical shape than the past couple of years, and those two Thanksgiving meals didn�t go very well. And I told him he should be the one to broach the subject with Mom, seeing as she was under the impression (correctly, she said he�s said as much in the past) that he was insistent on a home-cooked meal.

Suddenly it was all �Your brother thinks�and �SIL has looked into places� and whose idea was this anyway???

Be that as it may.

SIL had wanted to go to a local catering mill, but when my mother called to make a reservation, they told her they�d take it, but couldn�t guarantee that when we showed up there wouldn�t still be a wait. My mother cannot stand for long periods of time. My mother cannot really stand for short periods of time. The last time I was over there, I called and made a reservation at a real restaurant, one that gladly took our information and said nothing about it being meaningless in the face of the annual influx of people wanting their $29.95 soup-to-nuts lukewarm turkey gorgefest.

But what is family without family conflict? My brother�s mother-in-law is refusing to budge, saying it�s what her daughter really wants, and Mom�s back bedamned. My brother feels caught in the middle. My mother feels caught in the middle. I feel my future may involve lukewarm poultry.

I emailed my brother: �Mom says that YourMIL says that SIL still wants the Catering Mill. Can't we possibly choose something else?�

I gave him a laundry list of other places that are doing Thanksgiving seatings, both near my folks and closer to me. Told him that it was imperative that Mom not be forced to stand around waiting.

He said he�ll look into other options. I haven�t heard back from him. My mother feels like telling them to just go without her, or catering a turkey dinner (Danger, Will Robinson! We�ve gone down that road before!)

I keep telling Mom there�s a very reasonable package available from The Jive Turkey, but she doesn�t seem to take me seriously.

(Mmmm-mole turkey!)

There will be further turkey bulletins as events progress.

To bed with me.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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