but can she bake a cherry pie?

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homeland security
Monday, Mar. 28, 2005

Now Playing - the sound of silence.
Now Eating - nothing yet.
Now Feeling - tired. OF KILLING BUGS!
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Ha. Thought you were safe when you scuttled off behind the woodwork after I found you in the broom closet Saturday night, eh? Wrong-o, hermano. (In my world, they�re all male; I don�t care what any entomologist might have to say about it.)

�La cucara-cha! La cucara-WHAP!� And another one meets his end courtesy of The Green Flipflop of Doom.

It�s bad enough that it�s Monday, and drizzly and dreary out. That I should have to commit bugicide before I�ve had breakfast�well, it�s a jungle in here. Speaking of breakfast�got my tumbler, got my bowl�AAHHHH! SHIT!!!

Roach in the bowl! Roach in the bowl! It could mean a lot of things to a lot of people, but to me, it means WAR! And also, unfortunately, panic. Bowl goes flying, and lands amongst some stuff on the counter. One old Fiesta double old fashioned and one new Fiesta single old fashioned (damn, damn, damn, only available in sets of four � time to hit eBay) bite the dust. The roach, which was on his way out anyway, bites the dust soon after. (Nothing like the satisfying snap of a thorax as a preamble to a healthy breakfast.) Cripes, bugicide and damage control. I inform the sleepy Huz of the mini-catastrophe, and clean up as best I can without running the vacuum. And call the management office to ask where the hell the damn exterminator has been as soon as I get in to work.

It�s not us. We�re messy, but we�re not unclean. We�ve been told it�s not us by the old, good exterminator (the one who took the trouble to ask and spray where the bugs were coming from, as opposed to Mister �I spray the kitchen and bathroom floors and that�s it!� who we have now). The little invaders come from the apartment below. But geeze, in my cereal bowl? What next?

Went for the follow-up with the ophthalmologist yesterday. He was running behind due to a previous emergency, and Huz said it seemed like he was doing triage in the waiting room, dilating three patients� eyes simultaneously. My left eye dilated without incident; the right took a bit more time. At one point, it looked like the to half of my pupil was refusing to follow the bottom�s lead, making me look like something out of a sci-fi movie. But the eventual good news was that he considered my eyes normal for someone as nearsighted (and�old ::shudder::) as I am. The floaters is what they is. And he told me to start with the lowest strength of OTC reading glasses to wear, if necessary. (OLD! Ack!)

Huz and I headed to IHOP for our probable monthly allowance of grease. What better to do on a Sunday, after sitting and starving in a doctor�s office for two hours? My dining experience consisted of :

  • Damn it�s bright out. Sunglasses on..
  • Damn it�s bright in here. Can we switch seats? Sunglasses off.
  • Can�t see faces. Glasses on.
  • Can�t read the menu. Glasses off..
  • Can�t focus on Huz, or my food. Glasses on.
And some good pancakes.

But the doctor had given me �reversing drops� (sounds even more sci-fi) so a couple of hours and a nap later I was back to normal. Better than the old five or six hours, which was handy getting me out of finishing that report on photosynthesis in grade school, but a bit impractical now.

The Crucible opens Friday. Twenty-five shows in twenty-four days. Goodbye to 4 vacation days total. But it�ll at least put a nice chunk of change in the bank. And here�s hoping for an easy tech week.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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