but can she bake a cherry pie?

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learn your lines, and don�t bump into the furniture
Thursday, Mar. 31, 2005

Now Playing - the a/c.
Now Eating - nothing.
Now Feeling - achy all over.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Just when you think your costar has shown marked improvement, he starts doing really dumb things.

Like what, you ask? Like in the final scene, when asking after the �child� I am carrying, reaching out to pat my belly. I see he�s passed Indicating 101, in which you learn classic tricks of the trade like �Whew (mime wiping sweat off brow), it�s hot in here!� and �I�m soooo tired (insert exaggerated fake yawn)!� And, hello, unless you�ve actually impregnated her in real life, touching another woman�s belly? Out of bounds, my dear. Especially when you have a reputation for being the �touchy-feely with the leading ladies� type.

Then there�s the moment where we�re facing each other, in profile to the audience, and he reaches out to caress my face. Thereby blocking the view of the entire audience. Did I mention I�m also wearing a hat? And saying the most important lines I have in the whole play? And I was the one blocked to caress his face, not vice versa. But I guess the spirit must have moved him. Moved him to totally upstage me, I gather.

And the extraneous stage movement. He enters from my left, and instead of just staying there (which would have no effect whatsoever on the staging of the rest of the scene), he feels the need to wander past me to my right, and then wander right more a few lines later. I then have to cross to his right a few lines after that, and resist the urge to say �King me.� It�s enough that I wind up boxed into that corner for the rest of the scene, do you have to make it a struggle for me to get there in the first place?

I love the theatre.

Mom called to inform me of the death of Terri Schi@vo, and to let me know that she and Dad are making out their Living Wills. And that I�m the one she�s designating to �pull the plug.� Because she doesn�t trust Dad or my brother to do it. Which is very funny (�Is she dead yet? Cut that engagement ring off her finger NOW!�), but also very true. I�m not as cutthroat as all that, but I could just see my brother and father allowing their emotions to get in the way of fulfilling my mother�s wishes. I�m more pragmatic, though G-d knows it would be a difficult decision. Which hopefully I will never have to make.

A friendly reminder to get all your ducks in order, kids. Because anything can happen.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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