but can she bake a cherry pie?

the here and now ~ too cool to be forgotten ~ if i wrote you ~ send me a postcard, drop me a line ~ where i'm from ~ variations on a design theme by... ~ i wish... ~ shameless self-promotion ~ host

he lives!
Friday, Sept. 10, 2004

Now Playing - some version of "Dixie Chicken."
Now Eating - nothing. I'm hungry.
Now Feeling - dammit, I said I'm hungry!
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Both of my bosses are out today, so there will be precious little actual work done. Not complaining.

So Huz is still alive, though he anticipates joining Bill Clinton in the ICU in the near future. He had his physical, returned the next day to give blood for a CBC, passed his stress test with flying colors last night and has a cardiogram scheduled for next Tuesday. His blood will also be tested for PSA levels, and he gets to give a stool sample! Getting old is fun! Fun, I say!

He has become a self-styled nutrition guru, and actually bought low-fat cream cheese and caffeine-free Coke. Blasphemy!

I finally dragged my sorry ass back to the gym after an entire month away (okay, it�s only partly my fault�they were closed one week for renovations, and I thought they were closed the week prior because I was misinformed by another member) and believe you me, my ass is even sorrier than it was. Ow.

Had the parents over for dinner last Sunday, and played the "pitch stuff in the closets to make the place look cleaner" game. Please tell me it�s not just us. You know what I mean � big pile of newspapers Huz plans on reading someday before putting them in the trash? Throw �em in the closet. Stacks of music books that need to be reshelved? Stuff �em under the bed! Inspired by the faux-cleanliness, we spent Monday actually cleaning. Huz admitted defeat, and the big pile of newspapers headed to the dumpster. We packed up old Christmas ornaments to send to my sister-in-law. We began purging our audiotape collection ("Voice lesson 11/14/86?" "Toss it."). I gathered up a whole bunch of clothing (how many black skirts do I own?) to give to Goodwill. It�s amazing how inspiring a little floor space can be. He actually spontaneously discussed painting the apartment!

I scheduled another Florida mini-vacation, Hurricane Season bedamned. We�ll be spending four days with the Best Man and Wife at their Orlando time share. If we�re lucky, there may be roller coasters as well (and if I play my cards right, clowns! Hi, David!). But seeing as we�ll be Toddler-Twins-in-tow, I expect some rousing choruses of �I�ll watch the girls, while you ride the coaster.� But since coasters have a tendency to upset my husband�s delicate constitution, I�m thinking I�ll get my fair share. Whee! Coasters! Because yes, I am perpetually twelve.

Marn is up to her old tricks again, and will participating in her second Jog for the Jugs next month. I�ve contributed again (I suppose it�s in honor of my two healthy "girls") and can once again sport the shoddily Photoshopped yet justly coveted red rectangle below.

I’m a Bazonga Booster...you could be, too!

(Oh, and hi skibigsky! Welcome!)

Have a great weekend, y�all.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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