but can she bake a cherry pie?

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heartattack and vine
Thursday, Sept. 02, 2004

Now Playing -
Now Eating -
Now Feeling -
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Huz is off to the doctor for a physical today, his first since I�ve known him.

He�s going because A) he isn�t getting any younger and B) he�s been having chest pains on and off (mostly on) for about the past 2 � months. Yes, my husband handles his stress well.

I�d been reminding him to make an appointment for at least a year (he�d sworn he was going to once he turned 40), and had upped the frequency once the summer began. Somewhere around the middle of July, we reached an understanding. He assured me he would make the appointment, and I said, �Fine. I will not mention it again.� And I didn�t. Mind you, he wasn�t complaining that I was nagging him. I just decided that it�s his life, his responsibility, and it should be in his hands, not mine. I�ve spent 36 years being noodged by my parents, and I always swore I wouldn�t do it to my spouse.

And I know the above sounds exactly like noodging. But there�s a difference between my asking him when he�s going to the doctor and my parents� brand of �Whydoesn�tHuzgetanicejobinabankorsomething?Didyoucallthedoctoryet? Whydon�tyougetarealjob?HaveyousentthechecktotheBursar? Haveyoufilledoutyourcollegeapplications? Haveyoustartedthatbookreportyet?� brand of noodging that goes back to my childhood.

So I�m not a noodge. I am many things, but not that.

Protesteth I enough?

So Huz said last night as he dropped off to sleep, �I�ll be sure and call you from the hospital tomorrow.� Naturally expecting the worst. He�s even begun checking food labels, anticipating what he�ll be forced to cut out of his diet. I can�t say I�d mind being a decaffeinated, low-fat, low-sugar household.

In happier news�hm. Can�t think of a thing. No, no, nothing�s bad, just nothing�s going on. School has begun, so after dealing with Orientation and all the new students with their new problems, back come the old students with their old ones. There�s no performing scheduled for the near future, so I�ve nothing interesting to say there. The only things I�m looking forward to are our vacations. AND I CANNOT FRICKIN� WAIT FOR THOSE! Maine will be lovely, and Florida will be hot. I can�t ask for more. Except, of course, to share them with a husband who�s not a ticking time bomb.

There will be further bulletins as events progress.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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