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hair today, gone tomorrow
Wednesday, Mar. 07, 2007

Now Playing - "Pourquoi Les Vaches" - Paris Combo.
Now Eating - done - yummy pulled chicken.
Now Feeling - stuffed.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

I had a lesson scheduled for Friday, and wanted to get my hair cut beforehand. But I got out of work late, and wasn't sure if I could make it to the salon and back to Joy's in time to get a full lesson in. Called to ask her if I could come early, and Al told me no, he had the other Singing Dentist scheduled. So I called my trusty Supercuts:

"Hi, is Jill working today?"
"No, Jill is...no longer here."

I immediately rang The Fabulous: :
"Hey Mel, how've you been? How's tech week?"
"I am not calling to chat � I need to know...when was the last time you got your hair cut?"
"About two weeks ago, why?"
"Jill's no longer there."

Mutual panic ensued. Fab: "She never said a word to me!" Me: "I KNEW I should've gone last week!" Us: "WHAT THE HELL ARE WE GOING TO DO?" And I seriously need a haircut. Seriously, because after a resounding hair-curling (in the good sense) success for the Oscar party a couple of weeks ago, I decided that after a nice trim I could wear it that way for Fred and Adele. And our dress rehearsal is tomorrow night, people. I'm taking off tomorrow, and heading to Supercuts to ask where the hell she is. If they won't say, I'll take my revenge by going to the salon next door. Which could be a mistake, as it's a branch of the place that mangled my bangs a while back, but I am desperate. So desperate that I may be buying Jill, Mistress of Tresses a belated wedding gift from her registry, with a card accompanying it reading only "CALL ME! 516-XXX-XXXX!"

Her husband may look askance, but this is my hair we're talking about!

So since I'm in tech week for a show in which I have to dance, what did I manage to do yesterday? Twist my ankle. I left work early because we moved rehearsal earlier, and I needed to do silly things like get gas and eat something and maybe practice a little piano as well. Two pumps at the gas station were not working, so I had to pull around to the far side of the station to find a functional one, and that happened to have a handy patch of uneven pavement right there for me to step on and pop my left ankle. It hurts, but I can walk on it. The sprain's on the outside, below and in front of the joint. Dancing in 3-inch heels isn't great, especially on carpeting. And with no support, as the CVS near me only had Ace bandages, no wraps. Crap. Another thing to eat up my free time this evening.

I almost relished the snow today (almost, scottmichael), because it meant I could strap myself into my hardy Timberlands and not worry about popping the damn ankle again. Plus nothing keeps my feet toasty like my Timberlands. That, and some really nice pulled chicken from here keeping the rest of me warm.

You stay warm, too.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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